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The Great Portal 2 Speculation Thread

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No, they stated that episode 3 is the end of the combine story arc.

hanging_rope wrote:
No, they stated that episode 3 is the end of the combine story arc.

Quite honestly, I would think this would entail the end of Gordon's time on the silver monitor. It doesn't seem like VALVe would bring other antagonists in ("Gordon vs. Mothra", anyone?), and I highly doubt we'll see Gordon anywhere in the Portal storyline, especially since, as has been pointed out multiple times, the two storylines will not in any major way intersect.

Also, I was unaware that Ep3 would be the final installment. I'm now rather sad, as I assumed VALVe would want to go out on a big note instead of the smaller episodic [grace] note. I know the episodes are intended to make up a full game, but when they're separated it dilutes the experience a bit.

And finally, ASBusinessMagnet, a great deal of your posts scare me.

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hanging_rope wrote:
No, they stated that episode 3 is the end of the combine story arc.

Can you provide a source? Because I definitely remember it being Gordon's arc that was ending. After all, the end of the combine arc is the end of half life full stop since they're the driving force behind even the original game.

youme wrote:
hanging_rope wrote:
No, they stated that episode 3 is the end of the combine story arc.

Can you provide a source? Because I definitely remember it being Gordon's arc that was ending. After all, the end of the combine arc is the end of half life full stop since they're the driving force behind even the original game.

My point exactly.

Now with 100% more inline comments!
youme wrote:
hanging_rope wrote:
No, they stated that episode 3 is the end of the combine story arc.

Can you provide a source? Because I definitely remember it being Gordon's arc that was ending. After all, the end of the combine arc is the end of half life full stop since they're the driving force behind even the original game.

That maybe so. I can't really find where I read that, probably some interview. According to wikipedia, it will be "The end of the story arc".
I'm pretty sure that means the end of the combine domination of earth, but it could be that Gordon is ending. IDK

Things may have changed in the interim time, but yeah, I remember hearing this stuff at least several years ago in interviews.

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There will no longer be cake....


Well unless episode 3 has a lot of explaining to do, I don't think it can satisfactorily explain the end of the combine reign.

First off unless the Borealis contains something equivalent to what the Nuke was in WWII, it's not going to help the rebels beat the combine at all. It might be a good boost towards that goal but I can't see the whole world being liberated in a single game.

Second, I've read some theories that make a lot of sense, specifically one that muses that the G-man is actually trying to use Earth in order to end the combine reign elsewhere in the Universe. This makes sense to me, and if it is close to true, then episode 3 COULD NOT satisfactorily be the end of the combine arc.

Third, half life is Valve's biggest franchise, and Gordon Freeman is half life's biggest character. They can't just get rid of him for their big Half Life game.

Hear the turret, for it is knell. It summons thee to heaven, or to hell.
NunamedDragon wrote:
There will no longer be cake....

Yup I can see this. It probably will have some past-tense references but GLaDOS knows that Chell knows there never was any cake or any party. I can't imagine Valve would completely remove the main theme of portal (besides portals) so I'm certain there will still be mentions, but GLaDOS will have moved on, also it would be a bit stale if it was all the same cake humour all over again.
The companion cube is certain to return.

re gordon/combine arc ending: Half life is what defines Valve and I can't see them giving it up easily, but I can see episode 3 being the end of it. Valve aren't the big corporate money grabbers that other companies are, they won't milk Half Life beyond its lifetime (they'll stop half way... :lol:). They may do Half Life without Gordon as the protagonist, and they may do some more with Gordon but without the Combine, HL1 worked without them after all.

Um. Cake wasn't a "main theme" of Portal. And Erik Wolpaw said point blank the CC isn't returning.

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