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Steam Summer Sale Super Secret Santa Signup list

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Hello all! And thanks for chance!

Steam Profile: :thumbup:

Awesome idea!

Steam Sale Survival Guide

* Don't buy games unless they are a Daily Deal, Flash Sale, or Community Choice. You may have to wait for the game you want game, but it'll save you $$$ in the long run.

* If a game hasn't been a DD, FS, or CC buy it on the last day of the Sale. Getting it at the sale discount is better than full price or not at all.

* If a Community Choice vote doesn't include any games you're looking for, vote for the best deserving game with the biggest discount. Just because you don't want any of the CC games doesn't mean that other people feel the same way.

* Purchase all your games as gifts! Too many times have I seen people buy a bunch of games just to have them sit in their library and never get played. If you purchase them as gifts you can instal them when you want or trade them with friends.

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npc_msleeper_boss wrote:
You may have to wait for the game you want game


"Oh, in case you got covered in that repulsion gel, here's some advice the lab boys gave me: DO NOT get covered in the repulsion gel."

Lobstronomous is my name-o.

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