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[SP] Wrecked

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I shouldn't have played a map this large after the bad week I've had. I had to noclip right from the start to find the portal surface for the first laser catcher. It went downhill from there. I finally gave up on the funnel room and noclipped the laser cube up there. I kept getting bad bounces by the cube dropping from the fan that may have prevented me from finding the solution, since the cube never went in the same direction twice in a row. I used the same portals for the laser at the end as at the beginning, so I didn't need all three cubes to open the exit.

It's a beautifully detailed map, but once again the destroyed theme got in the way of the puzzles. My reaction to the distractions is detraction. The puzzles were difficult enough on their own, without adding in all the visual clutter. The lighting was good everywhere, even in the darker areas of the map.

Overall, this is an amazing map. The little things I don't like about it are matters of preference and opinion, not poor design or execution. 5/5 from me.

P.S. I packed your files into a .vpk to make installing simpler. You should have packed the custom content into the .bsp file.

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KennKong wrote:
I used the same portals for the laser at the end as at the beginning, so I didn't need all three cubes to open the exit.

Of course! This allows you to skip the whole turret room and exchanging the cubes in the upper level of the main room. Nice find! Now if some ninja-type person could find a way to get to that upper bridge from the main room, this map would really be broken.

Motig, what an awesome first map. I can just imagine how much hard work it must have been to put together! :notworthy:
Any minor criticisms I had have mostly been mentioned already. It was sometimes confusing trying to work out what the buttons actually did. For example the cube button which enables the elevator button might have been clearer if there was a glass cover which slides back to allow access. It's not normal to simply disable the button.

By the way, I've noticed that particle systems (on your vents) don't restart when you load a saved game. I've fixed this in my maps with a logic_auto OnGameLoad or whatever it's called.

Anyway, a really impressive effort. Looking forward to more.

sicklebrick wrote:
I think I remember someone saying you can fix the stuck cube by putting a trigger_vphysics_motion around the area with a tiny ass gravity value. Should stop the physics going to sleep.

That mas me. You can fix it with a trigger_push with a speed of 1 either up or down and flagged to act on physics objects.

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RogerL wrote:
KennKong wrote:
I used the same portals for the laser at the end as at the beginning, so I didn't need all three cubes to open the exit.

Of course! This allows you to skip the whole turret room and exchanging the cubes in the upper level of the main room. Nice find! Now if some ninja-type person could find a way to get to that upper bridge from the main room, this map would really be broken.

Imo it's impossible, to get to the upper bridge, but it's possible to get cube from there and throw it on a button. This throw is kinda hard, took me about 15 minutes to figure out how. After that solving rest of the map is rather easy. I'll make video, to show you how

Here we go:

That was brilliant! I can't believe you got it on the button in one throw...

Heh, beautiful throw!

I just replayed the map. I didn't even know there was another weighted cube available in the main room! Gee, it sure is a lot easier with two reflectocubes and two weighted cubes. I did it the first time with just one of each to open the exit, although I'm pretty sure I used both reflectocubes while getting it set up.

I got through the funnel room without noclipping this time (or anywhere else), and I did it playing with a controller. So this map definitely does not require any ninja skills. So while I still call this map's difficulty level hard, it's 90% hard on the brain, not on the fingers. I did need to use a few quick loads, because the cube falling from the fan still bounces off the edge of the portal sometimes. I've added this map to my favorites playlist.

Bravissimo, Motig! An absolutely outstanding first map.

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RogerL wrote:
That was brilliant! I can't believe you got it on the button in one throw...

Video is edited :) It was 4th or 5th throw

Marvelous - best map since "The Hard Way" and this one beats that map.
So nice to feel like I have a chance it I stick with it long enough - unlike the recent Genius Maps which are solved only be a specific few.

I did - however - get stuck in the vertical funnel room. I was able to

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. That took a lot of thinking and felt like a big acheivement.
BUT then I could not get the reflector cube onto the light bridge - so watched one of the solution videos.
At first I thought - if throwing cubes
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- are not Ninja skills . . . then I don't know what is. I cannot make that throw.

Addendum: since sicklebrick's comment below . . I tried to do something else. Then I realized I could drop the cube from

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Then it made it across. Will watch his and Markiu's videos later - after I get through this monster map. Still gotta go kill the damn turrets, which oddly - I did not do first.

PCdoc wrote:
I must say - if throwing cubes
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- are not Ninja skills . . .

Lol, I think a mixture of mine and marKiu's solutions is more along the lines of the intended solution for that room... a damn sight easier anyway ^^

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