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[SP] Wrecked

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This map has some very original and challenging puzzles. There were elements I didn't like, for example, making a death-defying leap through dense foliage, and trying to shoot a portal through cracks in the glass while moving. But the puzzles were pretty solid; you did an excellent job. One anomaly I found that hasn't been mentioned is that the metal surface behind the movable laser in the laser-puzzle room is portable. Also one exploit in that same room:

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Also, I feel that if you are going to use a new mechanism like the
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you should give the player some indication of what it does.

Edit: Crap. Someone always posts while I'm writing. Never mind the exploit; its in the previous post.

That's not the intended solution but it works as well I guess, it's kind of the same really. Try looking behind you :)

@RogerL: You're probably right about having to explain the mechanic. I wish they had left in some of the icons they probably made for it back when it was still a scheduled testing element. Thanks for playing and pointing out those bugs!

wildgoosespeeder wrote:
Is this the intended solution for this area of the puzzle?
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Motig wrote:
That's not the intended solution but it works as well I guess, it's kind of the same really. Try looking behind you :)

Was that directed my post I just quoted? If so,

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Hidden Quote

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Other than that, I found this to be a fantastic puzzle. The only thing I didn't like:

The beginning part

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Oops, sorry it was aimed at you wildgoosespeeder, I probably should've mentioned that. Yes the way it was solved in that video is the way I intended it to be solved! When I do another compile I will tuck the laser receiver a bit into the wall to prevent what you did. Thanks for the suggestion!

I'm glad you liked the map! I think a lot of people will agree on that first part. I could probably place another white wall at the other laser, the one you can clearly see from the start. That would make it somewhat easier!

Now that was great - Simply brilliant!
All the issues I had with this map were already addressed by others. The only thing I would like to add is that I'd rather be stopped by a visible obstacle than simply by an invisible player clip. I mean that slanted light bridge that leads to the upper overgrown area above the main room. It simply feels better. That's only a little detail, though.
Other than that it is a very visually pleasing and enjoyable map. 5/5........what else?!

Great map! Good difficulty and really great look. It took me good few hours to solve it and I enjoyed it to alot.

I found few glitches which you can see in the video below.
I'm eagerly waiting for your next map! Thanks alot!

Btw. How long did it took to make this map?


That sure is a nice map you got there. It would be a shame if someone broke it.

My maps: Bits , Color Me Rainbow and Spank Me Skyward
Shakky wrote:

That's my new ringtone :D

Back on topic, I think I remember someone saying you can fix the stuck cube by putting a trigger_vphysics_motion around the area with a tiny ass gravity value. Should stop the physics going to sleep.

It's my ringtone too :D

That sure is a nice map you got there. It would be a shame if someone broke it.

My maps: Bits , Color Me Rainbow and Spank Me Skyward

I think the sparks at 0:32 in shakky's video are the origin of the map; this is where sparks go when lasers turn off :(

@neco Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it! I mainly put it there just in case someone would find something crazy to do up there. I guess it would be prettier if you didn't get blocked out of nowhere though :P

@Shakky Thanks for the video! I'm not familiair with the elevator bug but I think it may have to do with the reset time of the button. I'll have a look when I get back after the weekend!

The ghost-laser effect does not appear on my computer but I have seen it at other people, I think it may be Portal 2 related and not so much map related. I have my game on the highest settings and it doesn't appear for me. I just read it may be related to a laser turning off, I will have another look when I get back.

Nice find at the tube room, I may be able to add some debris on the edge so you can't put a portal there!

To be completely honest, I technically started work on this map a short while after the authoring tools came out. Although back then I did not know that yet :P Mainly I made the bridge thing you saw at the start just to play around. I never really had a clear plan of what to do. At one point I decided to add some detail which was the room above the bridge but then it felt like a waste just having it as detail so I added hallways leading to other puzzles. From there on it just kept getting bigger and bigger. I have spent a lot of time thinking of ways to fill the rooms and reworking puzzles. Some of the puzzles in the map used to be really frustrating as you would get stuck or elements not always acting the same. The tube room for example used to not have a tractor beam nor any catapults. There have also been large periods of time where I was just kind of burned out because I would get overwhelmed by the work that was left to do. The map was a bit too ambitious I think.

Either way, about 1-2 months ago I really decided I wanted to finish it so I just went for it. I'm really glad I did because I always felt it'd be a waste not to finish it. The biggest reason it took me so long is probably because I never really had a clear plan and there were always areas that still required a puzzle and tons of detailing. The destroyed look is really awesome but also a lot of work.

I have some ideas for a new map and I'm definitely going to have a better plan/work schedule when I start working on it. Overall I really enjoyed making it though!

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