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[RELEASE] Aldéz's Test Chamber

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steps challenges started to become fun for me... its not to bad in "some" maps. i hate it in maps with ALOT of metal surfaces or platforms, or a fizzler right infront of the starting elevator (read: your map lol)
and yeah i'll make a video of it or something i could type it here but it might be a little confusing...

today is my first day off so gunna be doing family stuff. but i'll get around to it sometime soon :P

EDIT: as requested here's the video for least portals challenge (6). this is segmented to make it not a LONG ass video. if you notice me staring off into space for a few seconds, or the color and lighting change its cuz thats where i segmented it and hdr lighting gets confused when you start from a savegame i think or something like that. anyway. there are NO parts missing. just the "retrys" are missing so that this is what it would look like if i never screwed up and never had to reload a save game.

do NOT click this

I don't know if I would consider that cheating or not but I'll probably never create a map that needs to be solved with these techniques. It's too hard core. :wink: Well done anyway! You've learned me what to watch out for in the furture.

there is a 4 portal sollution for this map too :wink:

Care to explain/show us? :notworthy:

Well, the key concept is that you can cross the last glass wall in the room with the rocket turret without placing any portals.
Tip: Use the stuff from the secret room you can enter under the moving platform (camera etc.)

Unfortunately I dont have a program I could make a video with, but I'll try to get one.

PS: since I just watched rellikpds' sollution, 3 portals are possible too, cause I passed the first room in a slightly different way.

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ok, 3 is the minimum I guess

Okey, that's very impressive. I'll try to do it myself now, but I don't think I'll change the gold record. To do it with three portals is kind of cheating. :wink:

Anyway, how did you manage to get both my maps into the same folder? Did you move one of them manually? Because when I'm importing both maps, Portal places the second one in a new folder.

I tried, and I can't figure out how to do it with three portals. Which version of the map do you have? contest 0108 or 1.0.0? These are the exploits I know of in 1.0.0:

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Ok, the key for the 3 portal sollution is in the link below ... r_embedded

edit: I'm pretty sure I have the 1.0.0 version

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