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Uhmmm that wasn't made up. That was in the video posted somewhere around here...where was that, the one that we learned nothing new from. :?

Anyways it wasn't made me. I guess that dude made it up then.

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

Oh you mean the fan made video by someone who also probably made it up? Yeah.

Don't make things up and then take them as facts.

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Okay WHOA WHOA WHOA, back up a sec. Why are you being so hateful right now this is really unexpected. In the "Brand new portal 2 preview" thread, you watched the very video I am talking about.

msleeper wrote:
Wait a minute, is this just an 8 minute video of some nasally speaking neckbeard talking about stuff we already know?

Now here is the link, and I want you to skip to 1:30:

See that? He said both twice as more AND about 6 hours. So yeah. I am not just "making this stuff up" maybe he was but that's not my fault! :thumbdown:

Now I hope we can just put this away now because I really don't like like getting into fights with people and frankly, I find it stupid. It's just a prediction anyway isn't it?

(Edit: whoops he really said 4x)

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

Interesting he talks as if he knows everything, he doesn't sound very professional...

Whysopro? wrote:
See that? He said both twice as more AND about 6 hours. So yeah. I am not just "making this stuff up" maybe he was but that's not my fault!

You shouldn't take things from unofficial videos - which is exactly what that video you linked is - as fact. Get your facts directly from the developers, not the nerds on Youtube. And saying that "well he made it up, not me!" doesn't make it any better or more justified.

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Okay I see that now. Hes just another youtuber. What a ridiculous argument. :roll:

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

It really bothers me when people pertuate rumors and unfounded baseless speculation. The Source community seems to love to do that shit, and I do what I can to curb it.

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I am pretty sure that the developers said it would be about 4 times as long overall. As in twice as long for solo and it will be same as solo for coop. Again, it will depend on how much of a ninja you are, so for example, I am able to beat portal in 42 minutes, so I would imagine it would take me a minimum of 2 hours for portal 2, because I wont know some test chambers and etc.. Either way, it doesn't matter how long it is, it will be worthwhile.

Motanum's Website
Portal Maps - Motanum's Cheating Test [3 map pack and 2nd place winner]
Portal 2 Maps - Slanted Bridge | Main Four | Juggling | Wall Bridge
Aperture Tag - Collection ModDB

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msleeper wrote:
I'm pretty sure they said it would be "about twice as long" as the first game. You shouldn't make up a number like 6 hours.

Maybe they said four, maybe they said two, doesn't really matter. What they didn't say was "6 hours" or "4 hours" or something, and as such people shouldn't repeat a hard number that was never actually given.

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msleeper wrote:

msleeper wrote:
I'm pretty sure they said it would be "about twice as long" as the first game. You shouldn't make up a number like 6 hours.

Maybe they said four, maybe they said two, doesn't really matter. What they didn't say was "6 hours" or "4 hours" or something, and as such people shouldn't repeat a hard number that was never actually given.

The thing is, the length it takes a person to play a game varies greatly from person to person. Some people took 3 hours to beat portal, some only 1. So I don't think you can tie a number to it. Valve was smart and told us 2 to 4 times as long as Portal 1.

Hear the turret, for it is knell. It summons thee to heaven, or to hell.
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