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I will make a video of me playing/commenting on your map

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OK I have watched the videos now and appreciate your feedback.

6 was edited prior to your playthrough with some quality of life changes however I have also done another edit to add a higher level of lighting (Think my brightness setting is way higher).

7 I personally don't like myself and was just a request by a friend. After seeing the extent you managed to break the puzzle finding a way to use single laser cube in each instance makes me want to replace the chamber entirely with a new RCTI 07 of a newer design. No more cube stacking. If fixable the first room may remain. Also, today I learned laser is spelled with an 'S' not a 'Z'.

8 You missed the point entirely again which I assume is down to the speed at which you keep moving. The infinite loops you found seems so irritating when I intended for you to simply bounce vertically from the faith plate each time making portal placement way easier. One button applies the blue gel and the other button flips a timed panel that allows you to fly at a perfect angle to the blue gel to land nicely on the elevator to the exit. How I can make that solution clear i do not know but the gel is not there to make things difficult but to simply say stop trying what you are doing because it isn't the solution. All my solutions as far as I am aware are designed to feel safe and rewarding when you act them out correctly. Please advise any changes you would make here or simply replay it and think through your portal placement better to do the actual solution please :) (I may remove the timer on that rotating panel to make it clearer perhaps)

9 No complaints here so no worries. Might add some extra lighting though as the momentum puzzle appeared to be too dark.

10 The solution you found to getting the cubes to the end turned out to be a bug. I am tempted to fix it however you found it satisfying so it could just be an alternate solution maybe? The real solution is to take the top cube to the floor and use it to bend the laser and prop up the ramp. after this you can while keeping your portal at the exit easily reach the middle floor and pick up the other cube then take both through with you. Therefore I would like you to decide if that alternate solution needs a removal (if even possible).

Sorry for flooding you with so many levels that I made you sick of portal 2 ;) I'll work on the minor fixes mentioned and most likely continue building up the collection.

Well, I will say that when you title your level a pun on momentum my first thought isn't to keep using the aerial plate. I'm extremely used to juggling myself in portal 2, so it kind of tends to be my first instinct in a puzzle like that. The level design fooled me into thinking I needed to have BOTH of the buttons on at the same time to make the blue gel fall..the real problem is I couldn't actually see what they were connected to with the antlines. Suggestions for making that more visible include: A symbol connection visibility for the button that opens the flip panel; a slightly longer timer; some light strips on 2 or 3 sides of the flip panel to emphasize it; getting rid of those grates on either side of the center platform, since the threat of falling off and dying is sufficient "walls" for that area anyway and grates are really good at making it hard to see what's behind them sometimes. The apparent darkness I don't particularly remember in-game, it may be a result of poor video quality from all the re-rendering garbage I had to do, but if you do add more light in that area make its placement highlight the flip panel for sure.

I think Leap Frog's solution as you've described and the one I found aren't really all that different, they both require the same kind of thought to get to the end, and they both come after what I would consider the main puzzle of the chamber. It'd be a lot of trouble, I would think, to get rid of my solution without borking something else up, so I'd recommend keeping it.

Here are my puzzles organized into sections:

Click my Steam Profile image to view my Portal 2 Workshop!

Single Player Tests - Excellent Partnership (Coop) - Single Player BEE Mod Tests

I have 2 puzzles I would like you to play :) ... =102114500
and if you have more time: ... =101202853
Thanks a lot in advance!

Still didn't get my $60 :(

Uuuuuuuuugh my woes with recording software just never end.

Okay guys, I did Lumper, Plain Logic, Sneaky, and Flip blind, with commentary, but the video recording I got is horrible. As in, it looks like I took a bunch of screenshots and made a slideshow out of it horrible. The audio is still intact, but it might be painful to watch these. I'm posting them anyway because by definition I can't do a second blind run, and I'm sure you want to know how they went. So, here are the links to the videos...

Lumpers Part 1
Lumpers Part 2
This one's first puzzle stumped me for a while, but struck me as clever once I finally got it. My recording has a bunch of fast-forwarding and some useless pacing around cut out because it was, like, an hour of mostly accomplishing nothing. I was just really tired of the chamber by the time I got to the puddle of goo, and I could not find anything resembling a way to cross it, so I gave up. Reserving judgement until I give it another shot later.

Plain Logic
I liked this one. It didn't stump me too bad once I understood how the chamber worked and remembered that

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A little bit of frustration to this one with the fizzling cube, but I got it and was able to solve it. This one was fun.

Sorta fun, nothing terribly wrong with it, but it was really short and easy, for me anyway.

Now, before I do any more recording I'm going to go figure out how to configure OBS so it doesn't do what it did this time...

Good job on Plain Logic and Lumpers.

About Lumpers:
-Angled panel: you have to walk straight up to the angled panel and release the cube right before the panel is at 90 degrees. I did not have any problems with it myself but if more people have problems with it I might replace it with a light bridge when my internet is back up.

-The Goo:

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I'm sorry that you got irritated by the test. the name Lumpers stands for a jump and lasers. I combined both words... I'm not so good with level names I guess :p

Still didn't get my $60 :(

Honestly, I wasn't so much irritated as perplexed/frustrated. Any irritation present in the previous post was mostly because I spent all day editing/converting/uploading video only to find out that about half of the frames had been dropped during recording.

But the good news is, I figured out what the problem was! While I was configuring OBS, I took some advice from a forum somewhere that turned out to be bad for me, and set some kind of override setting that made the video quality unreasonably high. Recording at that quality while playing a processing-intensive game like Portal 2 is what was causing it to drop so many frames. So I put the quality at a more reasonable setting, and after a couple of tests it seems I won't be having that problem anymore! Yay!

I'll try and take another look at the chambers I haven't finished (Turret Challenge and Lumpers) soon.

Donderbus wrote:
I'm sorry that you got irritated by the test. the name Lumpers stands for a jump and lasers. I combined both words... I'm not so good with level names I guess :p

If it were me, I would go for something more double-barreled such as Jumper Beams but that's just personal preference. Sometimes I like to try and hint at the clue in the title but that wont always go to plan.

Xindaris, once you have fixed your recording issues and get a bit of free time, feel free to check the change-logs on the chambers in my collection as I have made a variety of fixes/changes to most of the chambers and would like to see if you can still find a way to break them still.

Also RCTI 07 (The cube stacking one) was replaced with another puzzle that was fairly hastily mocked up but I think it passes :) (had issues getting cube number correct and it is possible in unorthodox ways to not need one but if you don't know the solution that would have been too difficult.)

Also I would like to request a playthrough of RCTI 11. It was a little experimental but hope it is an OK addition to the series.

Working on RCTI 12 and 13 at the same time but could perhaps have them vaguely playable in a few days.

Xindaris, can I use the vid from Plain Logic in my description?

Still didn't get my $60 :(

Sure, but people may complain about the awful framerate if you do...

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