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I will make a video of me playing/commenting on your map

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Here's a few that I made:

  • Unnamed Chamber #1 (If you do this one, keep in mind that if you see something behind glass without any way in, it's there to let you know something that you can't see from where you are.)
  • No Trespassing #2
  • False Hope (Try and figure out how to get the hidden companion cube in this one if you want, and leave it on the hidden button. You'll know which button I mean. Also, if you don't have a portal gun, that's not part of the test. The lab boys tell me it's a glitch, so just use the console to get one.)

Unnamed Chamber #1
Fun little chamber, nothing wrong with it. One possible leak, as pointed out in the video, which could be fixed by windows but really doesn't need to be as there is at least one point where the player needs to do exactly what you want them to do anyway.

No Trespassing #2
The beginning of this chamber is broken, or at least appears to be, because tossing even the stable cubes using an angled panel is tricky and inexact, much less trying to do so with a sphere. Other than that, I liked this.

I couldn't work out how to actually get the secret cube, nor where the secret room it supposedly opens up is, but the main chamber works fine. You could stand to make the area around the entrance less risky by adding a little bit of window, as I pointed out after getting killed by turrets on my first attempt.

I tried Lumpers one more time. Did not discover anything new, except that the exit is completely, utterly unopenable. Are you absolutely sure everything is set up the way you meant it to be? Because it seems, based on your hint and my looking around the chamber, that some test element like a button you meant to be present is not there. Even after using noclip to explore the entire chamber, I still have absolutely no idea how you expect the player to get across that moat the first time around. Also, move the light strips away from the exit a bit, the way they are now blocks it from showing any of its connections, which makes it quite impossible to figure out how I'm supposed to open it, especially since all of the most obvious ways don't work.

hm... im sad now :(
Im gonna give some more hints from a little hint to the solution of that part of the puzzle.

the goo:

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after the goo:

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Exit room

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Still didn't get my $60 :(

Okay, you got me on that first one Donderbus.

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But I insist that if you expected the player to use the
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, that should definitely be clearly marked. This sort of thing is exactly what connection visibility is for.

Hello sorry if you are tired of me by now but just a heads up that RCTI 11 through to 14 have been uploaded and I would quite like a blind run if you get a chance. Spent today spewing out a load of chambers so they maybe kinda rushed but let me know any issues you find :)

Here's another one you might like.

You did say you liked repulsion gel, didn't you? ... =152186908

After you successfully found some flaws with my last map, unfortunate placements, i'm hoping this one should be more to your liking/less simple to overcome. I've playtested it thoroughly and taken your feedback on board, hopefully this should be a much more worthy offering.

Here's a map that I uploaded quite a while ago, and few people played. ... =138657246

Signatures are overrated.

Okay, bmaster, I did the new RCTI 7, and 11-14, on the playlist starting here. Unfortunately, I didn't notice that my mic wasn't quite plugged in all the way until about halfway through the second of those chambers, so my commentary (and sound in general) is missing up until that point. I think most of it was just me going from saying "Hey, what's this?" to "Oh, that's how it's supposed to work". I think maybe near the beginning of 07 I complained a bit about the portalable walls being arranged so I can't actually put a laser through them without crouching or zapping myself, but it's not a huge deal and I don't know how it could be fixed in view of what the puzzle there is anyway.

Anyway, all of these are good, though I honestly am not sure why you feel the need to put these in a series-type collection in the first place, since they're all pretty much independent chambers and don't really follow any sort of theme that I can tell. I ended up rather liking the alternating mechanic used for the hard light related puzzles, it gave a nice action challenge that wasn't too difficult to get right, and felt sort of refreshing next to headache-inducing puzzle chambers. Most of my deaths in 11 were just me being careless/not getting the timing right/standing not quite in the right spot, and none of them felt cheap, which is the most important thing.

Next time I run chambers, I'll do the ones that have been requested since bmaster's post up there. They're already in my queue.

Sorry, double post, but I don't seem to be able to delete my old posts and wanted this to show up so the mapmakers would know I did the next 3 chambers...

Flinging and Bouncing got me lost for a bit, but I caught on after a while and managed to solve it. The trigger right on top of that one tile that turned the laser off when the player would be hit by it was pretty clever and helpful. I will say that the death pits next to that tile gave me a tiny bit of trouble, but that's about the worst complaint I can say. Lots of fun in the end, this one.

Permeate required me to think through my actions before doing them, which I really liked. Loved it.

Revive left a bad taste in my mouth, because I really dislike frankencubes, or at least the ways custom maps tend to attempt to use them. I just don't think it's possible to make a good puzzle using their one unique trait that sets them apart from normal cubes, because the walking thing is not predictable or precise enough for the player to really make use of. Even ignoring that, this puzzle was a bit frustrating as I only got one try straight through making a portal very quickly and then immediately needing to direct my landing onto the platform the exit door was on. I can't fault you for trying to make a decent puzzle with a frankencube, but I strongly recommend raising the roof a bit in the room with portalable ceiling to take out a bit of the frustration.

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