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You Know You've Been Doing Too Much Hammer When...

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I'm showing mine too :lol:

Portal 2: 15.2 hrs last two weeks / 423.6 hrs on record
Portal 2 Authoring Tools - Beta: 37.5 hrs last two weeks / 557.6 hrs on record
Source SDK: 0.1 hrs last two weeks / 878 hrs on record

So Hammer used 557.6 hrs + 878 hrs = 1435,6 hrs on record.
Poor Source SDK used only 0.1 hrs last two weeks :(

The Corrupted - 1st place winner of the mapping contest 2012 !!

When you get so bored you create a monstrosity that moves.



I have a tendency to leave programs running overnight, resulting in 1298.8 hours for the Portal 2 mapping tools, and 861 hours for Portal 2.

Groxkiller585 wrote:
When you get so bored you create a monstrosity that moves.



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Groxkiller585 wrote:
When you get so bored you create a monstrosity that moves.

Hey Grox, that's incredible!! Will you use that monstruosity to develop a boss battle? Because that would be awesome! Really.

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:
josepezdj wrote:
Groxkiller585 wrote:
When you get so bored you create a monstrosity that moves.

Hey Grox, that's incredible!! Will you use that monstruosity to develop a boss battle? Because that would be awesome! Really.

given it's current "AI", which really is not AI so much as "rotate to face the player and some subtle movement with func_doors", probably not, but if i do use it I'll make sure it can actually fight and not droll stupidly at you. (which is what it does atm)


...When every time you play any game you start thinking about how you could make it work with the source engine. To the point where you cant even play minesweeper without doing so.

I think in terms of boolean variables. Generally, it makes things easier.

Source would be terrible for most games. Which is probably why most games don't use it. When the only tool you have is a hammer, etc. etc. however that saying goes.

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msleeper wrote:
Source would be terrible for most games. Which is probably why most games don't use it. When the only tool you have is a hammer, etc. etc. however that saying goes.

I believe it's something along the lines of "You can't drink anything because there are too many leaks".

Now with 100% more inline comments!

I thought it was "...every problem lo


Sendificate series: Sendificate | A Beam Too Far | Airtime | 302
Other Portal 2 maps: Medusa Glare
Portal 1 maps: Try Anything Twice | Manic Mechanic
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