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[WIP] The Flood

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Player1 wrote:
The first room (well the first room with puzzles in I guess, not the ante-chamber) is all purple to me. Can't see a thing in there...


roger federer wrote:

I have that problem too :/

Hmmm. I'll look into it. I've had some trouble with this in the past. Is it the metal textures?

I forgot to pack in the custom textures after I fixed the last problem... I think it should work now, if it doesn't... well, damn. :?

I can't wait for the SDK :x

works for me now, but what was the middle room for? also, the turrets did not shoot at me, i probably missed a puzzle there because of that

Stupid turrets. They fire on my computer... does anybody have any idea why turrets don't fire sometimes? I know there was a similar issue with Shmitz's first map with the turret at the top of the first fling, it never shot at me, but somebody else said it did shoot at them...

I finally got around to completing this. Let me say two things: 1) I love it. 2) I hate it.

I love the timepressure, but I hate it, it makes me so stressed. But I guess it's in a good way. That kind of time pressure just doesn't feel very Portal-like.

The first room was almost not cool

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then it became cool instantly!

Second room: no turrets was active so I ran straight through. Haven't tried playing it while pretending the turrets are active, sorry.

Third room: this was damn hard! Mostly done hard with the time pressure of course. Once I nailed the first jump

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the rest wasn't too hard.

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When that was done I had a hard time seeing where to go next, but then there wasn't more after that so...

Anyways. This kind of time pressure map is cool in a limited dose I guess. There was a whole lot of quick-saving and quick-loading involved in completing the map. Not sure I fully approve, but I liked the puzzles a lot so I look forward to the completion of this :)

Well, the cube puzzle solution is to use

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Those puzzles aren't really meant to be too hard, just going against the time. If you have to screw around with the turrets, you have less time to screw around with the cube in the next room. This is just the first version. I have completed 1 more time sensitive puzzle, and that'll be the end of them. After those I'm going to move you through a couple puzzles that involve more thinking, and no more worrying about the clock. I may also adjust the turret puzzle since, even when they fire at you it isn't really too bad.

Also - with the feedback I've been given (which wasn't all that unexpected) about the first room, I do plan on altering it to involve more portals, and probably another lift or two.

One last thought damn those turrets... they fire at me! :evil:

I've uploaded a newer version of the map. Let me know if theres any texture bugs this time around

I changed the first room around a little bit to involve more portaling.

The second room remains unchanged... so the turrets probably still won't fire, this room is going to go through a rework soon, probably.

I've added one more timed puzzle after the 3rd room, and a couple more 'behind the scenes' rooms after this as well. The end is still when you see the cake!

Sorry for the double post!

Rivid31 wrote:
I've uploaded a newer version of the map. Let me know if theres any texture bugs this time around

The only one I think was in the little room at the end (

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) there was a hole in the top.
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Rivid31 wrote:
I changed the first room around a little bit to involve more portaling.

Yeah. You also made it possible to complete without even pressing the firsdt button. I'll have to try it again where I press the button, but my first impression was that I liked it. (As much as it's possible liking a map where you have to explore under time pressure. It'll still be a quick save / quick load fest.)

Rivid31 wrote:
The second room remains unchanged... so the turrets probably still won't fire, this room is going to go through a rework soon, probably.

Lo and behold they fired on me. Don't really know what the puzzle was though. All it took was two sets of portals and some knock-the-turrets-down action to go through this chamber.

Rivid31 wrote:
I've added one more timed puzzle after the 3rd room, and a couple more 'behind the scenes' rooms after this as well. The end is still when you see the cake!

I don't think I got to the end then?

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I like where this map is going, and I like your GLaDOS voice much too. It does seem a bit confusing and unfocused at the moment though.

Yeah. You didn't get to the end

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The second room isn't so much of a puzzle room the way it's set up now, as I said, I plan on changing it around. Good to know the turrets fired at you, though.

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