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TF2 Medic Achievements Released

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Yeah okay sure it's not Portal related but I figure TF2 is in the Orange Box and until something really groundbreaking happens that is Portal related (like say the contest that is ending today) I might as well post this.

Anyway, the new Medic Achievements and Unlockables that we have been foaming at the mouth over for the past few months were released yesterday and they are sure a bag of fun. Personally I couldn't care less about the Ubersaw but the new Needle Gun and the Kritzkrieg really kick ass.

Valve says they are planning on releasing the rest of the classes Achievements and Unlockables soon but we'll see how that actually goes!

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Valve will delay as always but I cant wait for a scout and sniper upgrade, maybe a spy tranq gun or something fro the beta.

I love the new medic stuff.

I need my Engineer unlockables!

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msleeper wrote:
Personally I couldn't care less about the Ubersaw but the new Needle Gun and the Kritzkrieg really kick ass.

The Ubersaw is actually my favorite of the new items, and I'm not a huge fan of the Kritzkrieg - mostly because other players are idiots and don't know how to work with medics.

I paniced when someone pulled an ubersaw on me, I managed to burn his sorry ass before he got to build up an uber though :twisted:

I was more excited about pl_goldrush tbh, I'm already making my own pl_ map.

taco wrote:
The Ubersaw is actually my favorite of the new items, and I'm not a huge fan of the Kritzkrieg - mostly because other players are idiots and don't know how to work with medics.

Stop playing with noobs, tbh. Find a good non-pub server and stick with it, you'll find awesome teamwork.

Or just join MSleeper in his 32-man 24/7 Warpath games. (I believe my comment was that I'd rather stick my dick in a vise.)

Also, viz the medic unlockables: I'm still kind of unsure that I like the way you have to get all of the achievements to get the items. I guess I'm just not hardcore enough, but some of the tasks just seem pedantically difficult.

Essentially, my beef is with having an incentive to participate in non-game activities (grinding achievements) as a part of the game. Perhaps this is anomalous, but last night, in the hour I spent away from exam studying to play goldrush, we lost on offense because the three medics on our team were all hanging out near spawn, healing a soldier while he rocket jumped pointlessly, so they could get their "Medical Prevention" achievement.

That seems distinctly unsporting.

"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster

I don't think anyone should be surprised that, day-of release, people are trying to grind and/or cheat to get the most of the achievements. Most of these you would get playing normally - healing people on fire, healing people who call for medic, Uber-ing a Pyro/Demo/Solider/Heavy and having them get X kills with Y weapon. All of that happens on pretty much a minutely basis (atleast in the 32-man brawls I enjoy).

I also think that the Medic is probably the "worst" in terms of jumping through hoops to get things done, since effectively all of your achievements require you to have the participation of another player. I don't see this being as much the case with the other classes.

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I got 25 achievements now :D, all legit

I've decided not to play medic (my second most played) untill the hype has died down a bit. I did switch to it by accident and got three achievements just like that (the 7000, 12000 points in one life and the 1mil total)

I'm looking forward to unlocking the blutsauger, I think it will save my arse just enough times to be usefull and the critzcrieg will probably come in handy too, not sure about the ubersaw though...

Now they've done all the back-end work the next set of achievements and unlockables will come sooner, They will probably do two or three classes together next time, help counter the "oooh I want achievements...<everyone plays the same class and breaks the game>" spam

Same here. I just can't be the fifth medic on a team of twelve without realizing God's gonna start spinning up the chainsaw and kill some kittens.

But the multiple classes idea does make a lot of sense. But first, I'd like to see the engi get some love all by himself. Not because I'm a big fan of the engi, but just because I want to see the 12 v 12 games where everyone is an engineer.

Cue the Yakety Sax.

"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster
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