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Summer Mapping Initiative Submissions are Closed!

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msleeper wrote:
Non-contest maps may now be edited/re-uploaded. Contest maps will not be editable until after the judgement period has ended.

Smart move... My first thought when I looked at the rules was that unless blocked from modifying their maps, there would be a few that would continue to delevlop their maps secretly in the background.... What cheating, gamers never ever do that! :)

Is there a way to easily figure out which are the co-op contest maps and which are single player?


Yes, on the contest entry thread each submission should be marked with a tag indicating if it's single player or cooperative. Example: [SP]=Single Player

Why isnt my map there? It's name is Prototype01-02

Because you didn't upload it to the Mapping Contest Entries section and therefore, we didn't think it was an entry in the mapping contest.

"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster
Hober wrote:
Because you didn't upload it to the Mapping Contest Entries section and therefore, we didn't think it was an entry in the mapping contest.

Sorry i didnt read the description. I just uploaded to the singleplayer folder... But it was an entry.
Could You maybe ad my map too? Sorry again. Have a nice day. And thx

Ooops! Sorry, here's the link:
If you do include my map, then thanks! If not, oh well thanks anyway. Sorry I put it in the wrong category.

How to download all of them from one single link?

Makadi wrote:
How to download all of them from one single link?

We're working on it at the moment.

Now with 100% more inline comments!

Please make a torrent with the 1.3GB files, upload it to TPB and other popular websites.

Don't forget to remove the vmfs from the torrent. Just the bsp.

Motanum's Website
Portal Maps - Motanum's Cheating Test [3 map pack and 2nd place winner]
Portal 2 Maps - Slanted Bridge | Main Four | Juggling | Wall Bridge
Aperture Tag - Collection ModDB

Like my work? Spare a coin? Donate via PayPal at eugenio.motanum91 [AT]
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