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[RELEASE] Maybe Black Mesa

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That's is my speed run, don't open it if you don't want spoilers

I usually demorec the blind ride of every map i try, if you want it send me a private message.
(I'll stop recording if i die.)

ha i was just kiddin' taco. and dam, thats some clever stuff on the speed run. especially

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good job

rellikpd wrote:
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Heh, i fell off the map there :wink:

JLipimpski wrote:
Heh, i fell off the map there :wink:

i got stuck IN the map (like between the top and bottom part that says "over here" (near the switch)

do NOT click this
rellikpd wrote:
i got stuck IN the map (like between the top and bottom part that says "over here" (near the switch)

yeah i know, thats where i did that too... can't you portal out of there? i forgot rather or not you can.

JLipimpski wrote:
yeah i know, thats where i did that too... can't you portal out of there? i forgot rather or not you can.

i can't really remember. i think i was able to place a new portal and get out.

do NOT click this

yea that's a hard glitch to work around. but rather than cutting the whole idea,

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I split up that little ceiling area so if you mess up and shoot the wrong portal, which can easily lead to death in that area, you get stuck but can just portal under yourself and survive if you're fast enough. It's actually somewhat of a forgiving thing.. considering when you shot the wrong portal to begin with you'd be falling into the electric floor anyway. It gives an extra shot and moment of thought before you fall out. ha. That's looking on the bright side of things, for ya. haha.

I'm going to try not to be brutal, but I'm going to be honest.

An enjoyable puzzle is difficult to figure out, but the execution itself should either be simple or require a little bit of practice to actually perform.

A frustrating puzzle, on the other hand, is one that is fairly simple to work out but requires a large amount of work to actually carry out.

Your map, based on the two chambers I actually got to (the first one where you get the portal gun and the one right after it with the slime on the floor) before I gave up in frustration, contains quite a lot of the latter, I'm assuming, at least since the frustrating solutions seem to be quite obviously intentional. May I suggest you do a little research on game design, or at least practice trying to make puzzles where the difficulty is based on figuring out what to do, instead of on how mind-bogglingly aggravating you make it to actually place portals in the correct spot.

Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty.
savagegreywolf wrote:
I'm going to try not to be brutal, but I'm going to be honest.

An enjoyable puzzle is difficult to figure out, but the execution itself should either be simple or require a little bit of practice to actually perform.

A frustrating puzzle, on the other hand, is one that is fairly simple to work out but requires a large amount of work to actually carry out.

Your map, based on the two chambers I actually got to (the first one where you get the portal gun and the one right after it with the slime on the floor) before I gave up in frustration, contains quite a lot of the latter, I'm assuming, at least since the frustrating solutions seem to be quite obviously intentional. May I suggest you do a little research on game design, or at least practice trying to make puzzles where the difficulty is based on figuring out what to do, instead of on how mind-bogglingly aggravating you make it to actually place portals in the correct spot.

really, suck less. I had no problems at all with this map, really enjoyed it too.

One of the biggest problems I have in flinging puzzles, is when you first jump in vertically, then fly out upward in an arc, and then you have to shoot another portal ahead of yourself to fall through (on an angled surface, relatively) and fly back out at an even bigger arc... the problem is, when I'm flying at an angle, I can never place the ahead portal so that I fall right through it, i always bump the sides and lose momentum.

So, apart from that one room with the fling into the access shaft which frustrated me to no end, I'd have to say this map is quite good. The original voices were a nice touch as well. Have you considered using a speech-quantize program to make yourself sound more like GlaDOS?

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