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[RELEASE] DaMaGepy 01

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I thought I fixedthat metal floor bug near the button, where you must jumpon the platform. Or is it at the other end of the room? I couldnt find any portable surface there, but will check that too. The fixed version have 6 sentry in the sntry room. Next time I'll add a box dropper too, butt comp cupe is unique, and I never dropped it into the goo :)

-= Check out my maps: workshop, and their .vmf sources: homepage =-

yea was trying to throw it threw a portal i made on the wall around the goo

fixed, and added some detail to the second room. Hopefully tomorrow I'll continue making the map (deleting the lift part and the turret-button ad continuing as I planned)

-= Check out my maps: workshop, and their .vmf sources: homepage =-

awww that was my favorite part though! took me around 2 hours to figure it out =o extremely clever though =D but after u get past that part and the last orb catcher you can get trapped in the room or by the box on the button D:

well, the entry point of the portal is marked with X, and the ball have around 10-12 bounce point so its not that hard to figutre out, even because the right first spot is marked with a bulletmark.
The trick is that the portal must be placed after the first time the ball bounce there, and returns.
I'll add an option to ask for help (with special buttons) near each puzzle to make it easier (like the developer marks on the official maps). But only in my first 2 "training" map.

"but after u get past that part and the last orb catcher you can get trapped in the room or by the box on the button"
Since I changed the wall near the goo, the player can only make one portal in that room, and since there must be an other end, he can surely escape through it from that room.

-= Check out my maps: workshop, and their .vmf sources: homepage =-

Awesome map, having fun with it so far. I'm stumped in the room with the turrets and moving platform however. I don't have a CC to work with...? Did I miss it somehow?

*EDIT* Ignore that, I'm just an idiot. -_-

Also, the wall behind the switch after the platform (the one to open the door) is portable, when it shouldn't be (or maybe it should, but it has the wrong texture then).

I've finally finishd the map, as I planned.
Removed the alternate ending (elevator) that was added to end the level for the mapping contest. Now it has 1 more puzzle and loads next level. Also fixed/changed several thing.

for more info and updates, check:

-= Check out my maps: workshop, and their .vmf sources: homepage =-

I guess I didn't realize just how early in development level 2 is because I spent a while trying to figure out some kind of puzzle or progress in the level before I began to noclip and realized that its just a cube building room for now. I'm looking forward to whatever it becomes though.

As far as the first level, It was its usual good self, but there were a couple of things that need touching up:

1)This is hard to explain, but

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2)The sound of the lift which moves over the mud is distorted/too loud.

3)And just a nit-picky thing:

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3)And just a nit-picky thing: I don't like that the WCC can be taken through the emancipation grid near the end of level 1

You mean through the first one?
I dont want the cube to be destroyed. And it cant be taken through the secoond one (as I know the player cant get there with the cube)
There are other maps as well where the field is just a cleanser, and doesnt vaporizes objects.
fixed bug 1)

-= Check out my maps: workshop, and their .vmf sources: homepage =-
gepy wrote:
You mean through the first one?
I dont want the cube to be destroyed. And it cant be taken through the second one (as I know the player cant get there with the cube)
There are other maps as well where the field is just a cleanser, and doesnt vaporizes objects.

In the contest version of your map I got the cube to that same button by sticking a turret in the door way. In that version of the map that same emancipation grid did fry the cube. I'd never seen another map with a selective emancipation grid like that, and so that solution didn't occur to me until I accidently threw the cube through the grid. So to me you were breaking my notion of what a grid does, but now I know different.

It would be nice if there were different particle patterns/colors for grids that act differently to those in the Valve created test chambers. Then a community standard could be setup so that everyone uses the same visual style for different types of grids. I've never looked at the SDK so I don't know if that easy or even possible.

(edit)- Alternatively, if you want to get the cube to that button you could make a hole in the wall above the grid that the player has to toss the cube through. Sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to tell you how to make your map. I really appreciate the opportunity to play it just how it is.


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