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[RELEASE] DaMaGepy 01

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UPDATED my map, since I added every feature that I had to skip because of the map contest. I had to make an alternate ending, but now I deleted the lift, added the missing puzzles, fixed the bugs, added player hints (optional), cubemaps, some speed tweak, and a transition to the next level.
Level 1 is fully completed, I'm working on lvl 2 atm (will need some tester to find bugs and exploits).
I've posted a developer version and the sourcecode of this first map too.

Latest downloads, screenshots and more info here:

Will post updates on the link above, as I add more and more content. And maps 02 03 etc too...

-= Check out my maps: workshop, and their .vmf sources: homepage =-

Hey man, I'm working my way through your map and rather digging it (although I'm stumped right now, I want to keep trying, which is a good sign).

I got an unintended solution which you may or may not want to address:

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Still pretty much stumped on how to activate the floating platform while I'm anywhere near it... although I just had a new idea. :)


Sorry for the double post, but I found another glitch-around, and this one I'm pretty sure you'll want to fix:

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I really like how you reuse the same pellet-spitter for three tasks. Being able to get around using the pellet kind of weakens the map. You might want to plug a couple of these holes.


I think Crooked Paul covered some of the problems, but I noticed that when you are about to get onto the platform, the ground there was also portable making it rather easy and completely avoiding using the cleverly designed way you are supposed to get over. Also, the walls were very annoying and took me a while to position in the proper spot.

Looks good though :>D

Loved the way you maneuvered the energy pellets. Did not like the fact you have numerous surfaces that arent supposed to be portalable, that are. Not just under the goo; in places that help me solve the map. And in some other places; did you know you can portal into the metal shaft, and then portal ON TOP of the ceiling fan and take a ride on it?

And I must say, I REALLY dislike the ending for these reasons:

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ye, when I worked on the floor indicators I moved the noportal from the floor up and forgot to move it back down before compiling. Will fix it. But others said its too obvious what to do, since there are too much sign on the walls. :)
There is a cube and portal sign at the end of the left pellet route...

Any other surface that portable? I already know this one bug, but if there are more... let me know.

And I'll add 2-2 more turret to the end then. And maybe 2 sentry to the sentry room, in front of the other wall too. Ball can still "kill" them too but they cant be cube-dodged. :)
Btw the lift and the last room will be removed, I just had to close the map quickly for the contest, and now I can continue...

-= Check out my maps: workshop, and their .vmf sources: homepage =-
gepy wrote:
Any other surface that portable? I already know this one bug, but if there are more... let me know.

The brown area on the floor right next to the moveable platform.

Everywhere inside the metal shaft with the ceiling fan in it.

In the goo.

Thats all I spotted.

fixed, and added 2 more sentry :)

-= Check out my maps: workshop, and their .vmf sources: homepage =-

one thing i noticed that could be a problem, you can drop the cube in the goo and then your sol

With no Box Dropper, that's to be expected on any map without one :)
Similar to the Advanced Chamber (16? I think?) Only one box there,
if you lose it in the goo, you have to start over, no way out.

On another note, in the area with the goo, you can portal on the non-portalable
metal textures on the otherside allowing you to completely skip the
lift... unless I'm missing something. I just tried it last night, I'm assuming
it's the most recent release.
Basically the metal wall facing where the lift would arrive to.
you can put the box on the lift yourself, go over there and then portal
across... just make sure you save yourself a way out ^^

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