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[RELEASE] DaMaGepy 01

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sorry for the double post, I hit quote instead of edit by mistake.

thats not good, cause with a bad throw attempt the cube can touch the field and die. I'll make a custom sign that shows this field only removes portals, or will use the beam where the moving platform travels, instead of the particle system. And will emove the left/right models that "spawn" the field to look more different

edit: I've added custom textures, along with a cube-friendly signage that I placed on the floor. Now it should be clear that this field will not kill anything

-= Check out my maps: workshop, and their .vmf sources: homepage =-

You're right, it would be really bad to lose the cube to a bad toss at that point.

gepy wrote:
I've added custom textures, along with a cube-friendly signage that I placed on the floor. Now it should be clear that this field will not kill anything

Awesome, thank you. I'll try it out next time I go home.

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