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[RELEASE] Accident Prone

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Actually, I managed to cross the mud-pit in the tetherball in another way than anyone here has mentioned.

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I guess that was not a valid way of solving the final puzzle?

Not thinking without portals at the very least...
yikkayaya wrote:
I guess that was not a valid way of solving the final puzzle?

Was that with 1.0 or 1.1? You can find the version number in the text file in the zip if you're unsure.

Oh, sorry. It is fixed quite nicely now.

Not thinking without portals at the very least...

I really enjoyed this map, it's very well put together and the final puzzle is very interesting - if a bit unorthodox.

I was just wondering, how did you made the mud in the last room behave like mud?

i dont know how he did it but its in level 17 of the single player in the huge turret room, you could always decompile that and find out for yourself

mappers only take issue when someone steals brush work, entities are not looked down upon

taco wrote:
I was just wondering, how did you made the mud in the last room behave like mud?

The texture is nature/mudfloor004bs. It's not tagged with the portal keyword.

lol I couldn't even get passed the first one because

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I'll give you a review when I finish it lol :wink:

Your mom's thinking with portals

My video card sucks and I couldn't finish the map because of it. Also~ The piston puzzle made me want to kill you. No offence.


Just finished it. I like everything except the ball-and-chain thing. It was just too awkward to do. I spent 10 minutes trying to hit the box. Didn't like that part. Other than that, it was quite fun.


I saw earlier that someone posted that in order to beat (I wish the areas had names) the big place...after you're done with all the piston junk and you've activated the first energy ball receiver, a door opens and leads into this place with all the stuff sitting around, the acid pit, and the three pillary type things...with the bigger hollow area behind all that which I can only assume is a place put in so you can build up the proper momentum....but anyway, my first point is that whoever it was said they employed a bunny hop technique to get from the three pillary things back to the main area with all the stuff on it.....I'd give a lot to see a video of any proof of bunny hopping at all in portal....the character you play as is so physically limited, I got the feeling that trying a bunny hop actually slows everything down....

but anyway, I've been picking away at that area for a while now, and I can see ways to beat it...but I can't be sure...and it could also just be a total lack of skill on my part...I've been having a hell of a time slamming into walls only to lose all of my motion potential....

(I don't know how the mouse-over font changer thing on this forum works, so, if you want to figure this out on your own, don't read this next part)

I've had some small luck with doing a move that's kind of like a pogo jump....I'd get myself into the big hollow area away from the acid pit, and I'd portal high up on any wall, portal to the floor, and then fall gently through the higher portal (duh), then i'd shoot my "high wall" portal somewhere else and then my motion potential would be preserved as long as I didn't thunk on the floor right next to a portal, so what I ended up doing was ....pogo portaling my way back out of the hollow area, then VERY quickly portaling onto the 45-degree ...thing? whatever it was...and fell through with a good deal of power, but....just barely didn't quite make it....seeing that this way could actually work, but realizing how nuts it was, I thought there had to be a "right" way to solve this part...and I sure as hell wasn't seeing it...or atleast I lacked the skill to act out my other ideas...I wish I could see this tethered ball everyone seems to be talking about...

is there a console in the source engine in which I could write in some noclipping? the challenge of the level is nice and all...but there's only so much failure I can take in a given night :p

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