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Portal 2 Info and Spoilers

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Atsu wrote:
I'm not posting a screenshot now because I'm lazy but if you go to check that little BTS area in test chamber 17 there are some pictures of a man (with a suite) with a companion cube in his head. Do you think that man could be Cave Johnson? Go and check it :p Those might be just some pictures about famous people or something like that but I just thought about it when I replayed the game today.

Not a bad idea.

Personally I don't think this is true, or at best it is a false leak by Valve. It doesn't seem like them to put out as much information as they did, such as putting game dialog out to the public like this.

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Hurricaaane wrote:
Didn't want to read. I'll be surprised.

ditto. but i'm just glad to hear they are doing something (even if i only hear that from ya'll)
but: keep in mind Portal 1 hasn't even been out a YEAR yet... so who knows when/if we get P2... HOWEVER: i think with this particular game (and especially cuz it was so short) i think they will be more likely to try to get it out sooner than something "bigger" cuz they will want to strike while the iron is still hot

do NOT click this
pestchamber wrote:
its sad actually. i was hoping for a multiplayer portal . .. :(

They even said themselves that Portal multi-player may sound fun on paper but in-game it's boring and not near what you would expect.

All I'm saying is I like where Valve's head is at with the sequel-- I'm sure it'll be just as exciting as the original and continue the same trend of narrative.

I'm glad at least some tidbit leaked out--- cuz I was itching for Portal news.

woot :!:


"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." -Albert Einstein

hopefully it will still have the same feel as portal 1. portal, like the metroid prime games, are awesome party because it really feels like you are alone/abandoned. adding a bunch of NPC's will diminish that feeling

cornontheCoD wrote: the metroid prime games...

Metroid Prime (the original) nailed the environments and a feeling of isolation so hard that other developers still haven't caught up. It's a perfect game (like super metroid before it).

Now I want to go play though it again... it's just, I mean... wow.

msleeper wrote:
Not a bad idea.

Personally I don't think this is true, or at best it is a false leak by Valve. It doesn't seem like them to put out as much information as they did, such as putting game dialog out to the public like this.

And probably Valve hadn't thought about that kind of things about Portal 2... I think those are just some random images :p

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