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One in the Chamber

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Beautiful ambience, maybe the most animated yet of the decay styled ones. Have to appreciate the care for detail: platforms, sliding walls, waterfall, volumetric and flickering lights to keep you distracted in what's otherwise just a rusty box.

Also fun: it may be anticlimatic to note this, but if you test all maps that get uploaded you will know what a drag most are. As for the difficulty, first room was flingtastic but I may have overcomplicated things; second much easier, and everyone will break it with excessive paint. If you don't like that, consider using grids as floor.

the hills are alive... with the sound of music

Thank you for the kind words! The first room does have a lot of flinging admittedly (Three separate instances), but i never really thought of it as an issue. Saying that though if the community aren't a fan (as a whole) of such tactics, i'll remember to keep it to a minimum in the future.

As for the excessive paint issue, i've already added efforts to keep the amount of paintable surfaces to a minimum by using floor grids, and water in areas that the paint can be moved to through portals. Hopefully it's not something that can be exploited.

I enjoyed the map; the unique art style was great! The emphasis on

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and the creative room design in the first section was fun to explore, I liked the idea of
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I actually couldn't find anything that could break the bounce-gel part afterwards, I think I did it the intended way actually which was to:

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Edit: very minor, but you can place a portal on the 'black area' inside the gel dropper

Thanks for spotting the portalable area inside the gel tubes. I'll definitely get an update released before the deadline!

Excuse the double post, but i've updated the map once more.

Code: Select all
Update 3:

Fixed "black" textured surfaces so that they are no longer portalable (if that's even a word ... which it isn't).



Puzzles were excellent, design and detail was absolutely stellar. Beautiful example of destroyed Aperture. Difficulty was right on the target and I thoroughly enjoyed playing through the map.

I also did not beat it the intended way

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Glad you enjoyed it bud. It's a bit of a shame I wasn't able to plug up that unintended solution by the end date, but i will definitely upload a fixed version once the judging process has been completed :)

Its been said before, but the ambiance was impeccable. It was also refreshing to see a different take on how to reveal new portal-able surfaces (walls sliding back). I found a glitch however, the portal surface behind the blue gel button did not fizzle the portal when the wall slid back, and I was able to portal up there without the cube, it was weird because I was able to walk right through the sliding panel that was in front of the portal. After this, it fizzled properly, so I don't know what the problem was at first. Great job!


I got annoyed with the lack of a portal placer in the first room with the cube. Conceptually an easy map but portal placing over and over is not fun.

I loved the atmosphere most of all, just walking down the beginning of the map felt awesome :D

Interesting puzzles, didn't take too long to solve but I enjoyed completing them; congrats!

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