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Models not showing up in map ("ERROR")

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Ok. Well I did all that. I deleted hl2dm folder, redownloaded, reextracted everything like in the hammer setup.

When I create a prop_detail I still have several hundred models to choose from.

Any other suggestions on how to filter what is only in portal?

Every 'mod' in my world model picker says either HL2 or HL2DM.

Is this not the case for everyone?

If not, I think they followed another setup tutorial where you create your own mod and then just extract ONLY the portal content.


No, you should have done everything right if you followed the tutorial, it just leaves all the hl2 content in there, as well.. You have to skim through everything to find the models.. For the most part, they are all within 2 folders. The Props folder (just click on the base folder and scroll through the items.) And the second folder is a few below that, I can't remember the name. See if you can find the props folder, first, though.. That has the doors and door frames, boxes, buttons, etc.. all the important stuff.

gromitigo wrote:
When I create a prop_detail I still have several hundred models to choose from.

Any other suggestions on how to filter what is only in portal?

No, that is normal. All models are always available. This may or may not be the case when the SDK update comes, but I will put money on it staying the same. That's just the way it works.

There is a model guide on the Wiki for Portal-specific models.

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