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Idea: Portal Multiplayer

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When Half-Life 2 was first released (before hl2dm) many people found ways to play multiplayer. At first it was very buggy (VALVe's fault), but it got better, little by little. The projects have since been abandoned, however one may find the mods still floating around on the interwebs. I was thinking, I could possibly modify the modified files to make Portal multiplayer compatible. It shouldn't be very hard, and though I should be doing homework, hopefully I can have it done by later tonight, or at least a beta version of it. No guarantees that it will have a server list like other games, but you can use the "connect" cvar to do it. I however am unable to run a server because my router is fucked up, so if anyone would like to test, please reply. I can join however. The nice thing about portal though is that there are animations and player models, and hl2 has been around long enough that many bugs were fixed. And because Portal is hl2, you can use hl2 weapons in it as well. My only concern will be the fact that the game was only made with one portal gun so I am wondering if you will be limited to a maximum of 2 portals (one yellow/orange and the other blue).

Peace out till I am "finished with homework" (which I should be doing yet haven't even started.

PS- when I say later tonight, that probably means it won't be until my parents go to sleep that I start working on it. Being in the room next to them doesn't quite help the matter... :roll:

Well, the thing with portal, is that it isn't a first person shooter. Half life was.

So you're either going to be killing each other by shooting them into the path of an energy ball, or making them fall into goo.

Or, you can make race maps. Or puzzles that somehow involve multiple people in order to complete. Either way, i'm not a huge fan of the idea.

I mean yeah, if somebody were to get something working to a point where I've got somewhere to connect to, then yeah, i'd give it a shot. I just don't see how it would be all that great.

Well you could do these:

    a) have players spawn in 2 points and make it crucial for them to work together to reach the finish point
    b) race, as mentioned before
    c) give them guns, especially grenades and rpgs. just imagine throwing a nade to have it thrown back at you by a portal
    d) race against eachother to finish the same puzzle
    da) at the same time so you can steal each other's stuff
    db) wait to do it and beat their time like horse or whatever
    dc) same time but different places
    e) make regular dm/ sniper only maps where places are only reachable by portal
    f) etc

Take for instance something like this:
Now I know it would never move that fast but really, knocking someone out and putting them in an infinite loop? that would be awesome. Too bad we can only make simple modifications without making really complicated maps or modifying the actual game.

I'd like some collaborative portal puzzles. I'm not super interested in portal DM or racing...but being tasked with puzzles that require lots of portals to complete would be awesome. Basically 2 to 4 players only - more than that would degrade into stupidity.

I can imagine several puzzles that would require more than one set of portals and I think it would be really interesting! You actually don't even need two spawn just need more than one player can handle. There could also be a mode where you give one player the blue portal and the other the orange portal though I like that idea less - moar portals moar fun!

Work has started, coming along well...or at least as well as it can be when you can't "make a mod"


"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster

Anyone know where I can get a bug swatter? :roll:

what does a bug swatter have anything to do with it?

to get rid of all the bugs, duh.

Download: dload.php?action=download&file_id=104

:!: You might need to make an account to download the file :!:

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