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[HEAVY SPOILERS] Discussion on the new Cave Johnson lines

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What lines? I don't hear any...

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(Don't listen to him, we'll be fine)

Old signature preserved for historical reasons.
I wonder what happens when Cave Johnson gets his pain pills...
Pipeline wrote:
What lines? I don't hear any...

They should appear if you play custom maps from the workshop.

RubyCarbuncIe wrote:
I found this to be my favorite and my most feared quote:

I was honestly scared shitless at that moment. Physical objects I can deal with but disembodied voices creep me out if the person on the other end sounds creepy enough.

I think that was a "Silence of the Lambs" gag. All that was missing was the Chianti.

Crazy is as crazy does.
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I personally believe this is ALL canon, it's just that, like how there are infinite caves using the multiverse as an exploit, there's also infinite caves NOT doing it. The Portal 2 plot happens in one of these universes.

If it IS a multiverse-exploring universe, however, then the moneyverse theory fixes alot of holes, but opens up a big gaping one: If they could use the technology to go to other universes, then why did they continue with the project? The only explanation is if in the original universe never found a CaveDOS/GLaDOS universe, which given infinite universes is possible.

Another idea is, assuming they are all on the same timeline, then other universes might not have made CaveDOS/GLaDOS yet, like in the original.

This is alot of fun to think about :D


Why are all these Caves talking in English?

Trivia: this is the very second account I registered with the nickname ASBusinessMagnet, after my YouTube channel.

Well apart from Cat Johnson, yeah.

But you could just counter any question with "because MULTIVERSE!"
Why is everyone English? Because there's an infinite number of English Cave Johnsons!
Why do we keep on running into them? Because we are one of an infinite number of universes who run into English Cave Johnsons!

Current Community Contributor status: not a community contributor. Lost it. :(
RubbishyUsername wrote:
You've run out of lines. I'm afraid you won't hear them again unless you type in a console command that I don't know.

EDIT: Someone already said it.

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