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Snakepit [RELEASE]

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Excellent map. I got a bit confused because your WIP release was, and your finished release was snakepit.rar. Needless to say I was confused as to how you had made so little progress!

Aside from the afformentiond room skipping (Perhaps jutting the wall panel out after you explore the tall room?), the only part I had frustration with was the jump from the piston to the stairs. I knew it was possible to make it, and I knew you had to jump from the bulkier part of the piston, but it still took a fair number of quickloads to pull off. Maybe that was your intention, but it still felt .. I dunno.. Mean.

The forcefield area was fine, but some indicator strips might do well to give some hint of what is off and what is on. I didn't get stuck in it at all (And very nice planning for every eventuallity!), though I could see how someone would see where you were supposed to go but not neccisarily know how to get there.

Alright, I figured it out.

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the end to the level is cruel :(

I don't kow guys, I am at the part where there is a button and I Use momentum to fall and get behind the glass to get to the button with the cube. However, when I place the cube on the button nothing happens??

Is it not suppost to open the gate? I wouldnt want anyone telling me how to solve, just want to make sure that pressaure on the button should open the gate, which it is not....

sKoToSa wrote:
I don't kow guys, I am at the part where there is a button and I Use momentum to fall and get behind the glass to get to the button with the cube. However, when I place the cube on the button nothing happens??

Is it not suppost to open the gate? I wouldnt want anyone telling me how to solve, just want to make sure that pressaure on the button should open the gate, which it is not....

That's strange... Unless you noclipped back into that room after solving it that shouldn't happen... and i don't think it has before either. Odd.


can someone write a guide or a video on how to beat this map?

ok, so the map was really awesome. I really liked that it branched at one point, only to find out it was part of a grander scheme at the end. Kudos for you.
However, I'm going to list some things you may have forgotten during development.

-You can enter this room by destroying the glass:


You havent textured the wall! It's transparent! :D
Since its kinda easy to miss it, you could put some easter egg in there. What do you think?

-What's up with this glass?


Correct it :P

-You could easily make a mistake and

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. Since it's needed to complete the level, please do something to prevent it happening, or at least give an alternate solution :)

-Finally, this:


This is the inside of a vent in the "Big fan" room. I was so sad when I saw this... it SCREAMS "Get inside me!" and then when you finally do it you find nothing inside :(

All in all, excellent map. Correct these small things here and it will be perfect.

Amazing map, still havent finished due to the fact I need sleep lol. Very long and you need to think alot about how to work it out. :D

Walking when you have a portal gun sucks.

Check out my Portal 2 map, Entrapment!
Kiavik wrote:
ok, so the map was really awesome. I really liked that it branched at one point, only to find out it was part of a grander scheme at the end. Kudos for you.
However, I'm going to list some things you may have forgotten during development.

-You can enter this room by destroying the glass:


You havent textured the wall! It's transparent! :D
Since its kinda easy to miss it, you could put some easter egg in there. What do you think?

-What's up with this glass?


Correct it :P

-You could easily make a mistake and

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. Since it's needed to complete the level, please do something to prevent it happening, or at least give an alternate solution :)

-Finally, this:


This is the inside of a vent in the "Big fan" room. I was so sad when I saw this... it SCREAMS "Get inside me!" and then when you finally do it you find nothing inside :(

All in all, excellent map. Correct these small things here and it will be perfect.

... I have no idea what this chair is that you're babbling about, but I sure can correct everything else you mentioned.

Duffedwaffe wrote:
... I have no idea what this chair is that you're babbling about, but I sure can correct everything else you mentioned.

sorry, I'm just dumb. I was referring to this:


didnt notice the pipes on the left till now. :?

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