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[RELEASE] PuzzleOne

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WinRAR is free you know, so why not use it?

You will find it says that the trial has expired but if you just press close and it will let you keep using it.

Edit: Domination of Page 3! >:3

This was a fail. I'm making a note here, huge facepalm. It's hard to overstate my disappointment.

finally managed to complete this without jumping on the sign (thanks to that youtube video by inferne89... lol)

it quite dark when u first come out of the elevator.... shouldnt it be a bit lighter there?

on the irrelevant side: i managed to figure out how to destroy/get rid of any object (that i have come across so far [turrent, box, radio, spanner etc]) that u can carry... its weird... lol... dunno if anyone else has figured out how to do this...

Did you complete it with portal from portal style like infernet did? if you did, try to comlete it with only those techniques that are used in normal portal maps (not advanced) And I tried to add chamber sign to emit light ( I copyed it from normal portal map, + all relays and triggers and toggles and autologics, but it is black when I play the map.

Yeah, I managed that winrar think out long time ago 8)

EDIT: I solved sign problem

can u give me a clue? otherwise ill never get it... lol

Is this supposed to be a .bmz file, because I only get a zip file from the link.

Just extract everything (including the backup file) into the maps folder?

Yes / No ? Thanks.

Weird packaging/installation and texture problems aside...
Awesome map!

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Overall: visually simple and pleasing map that had a couple of tiny issues, but had a strong puzzle foundation. I hope you make more of these small maps! :D

For first question here is clue: use other cube to drop another cube to button.

For second question: It meant to be .bmz file. I don't know why you get zip.. if it is so extract everything into maps folder :|

And for great feedback: Thank you :D Yesterday I fix those signs, and now I add final details. maybe I make advanced too. Then I start to plan next puzzle. You can tell what elements you want to it. It maybe take little longer because now my holiday end and school begin.

But anyway, thanks you all for great feedback, I love make them more ;)

Ooops I forgot to ask you couple thinks. First is: I made my elevator door close when I walk away from it and enable collision, but when I walk against door ingame, I stuck on to that area near elevator door, and it says, sever stuck blah blah blah... So is there way to fix that? And another: I added chamber sing, but how can I remove that "/19" after 1?
I tried all skins but it is in all of them.. :|

not sure if im still doing it right...

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an advanced one would be kool, and cant wait for more chambers ;)
maby u could extend the idea of having the button that destroys the box, and have a more complex puzzle which uses that technique in a different way...

wrong again :D here is another clue: leave the other cube up there, then jump down to make portal "to there". Then go back and do "that and that" and voila! I make walkthrough video today if you can't solve it.

and that button that destroy cube is good idea bu't I'm not sure have I skills to make it :roll:

penapappa wrote:
And another: I added chamber sing, but how can I remove that "/19" after 1?
I tried all skins but it is in all of them.. :|

You need to make your own chamber sign. The original ones are models with everything hard-coded there. However, you could possibly replace the textures in the model skins, but I have never done that, so I don't know the details.

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.
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