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[RELEASE] Nevada

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I actually really liked this map. but first, I'll start with the bad

. a few textures were misaligned, as was an overlay
. some lights were coming out of nowhere, others were too bright
. general look of the map is meh

but other than the looks of the map, I think it's mostly great. The chemical water thing was very cool, and I think you could take it further in your next map, but like people said, change the texture of the water if you can. also, you may want to have a sign other than the chemical sign, as it's kinda vague. maybe one that has symbols, like "chemical bottle" "+" "Bad water" "=" ":)"

the puzzles were cool, but I didnt like the 3 rocket turrets thing so much. also, there were some inconsistencies like the normal turret broke the glass, but later it cant break the other glass

Very cool. no offense, but I didnt think you had it in you to make such a nice map. I guess you proved me wrong. :D

I look forward to your next map, and try to work more on the look and have your own style of looks, that's very important. finding a balance between your style and having it fit into the portal universe is one of the most important things, IMO.

P.S. loved the cube talking at the end, and 3 rocket turrets locked on at the same time is possibly the worst sound in the world :P

very many alot thank you. xD ok now:

new sign: ill ask doomsday to make one :D
lights coming outa nowhere: umm :cry:
changing water texture: its impossible mostly :P i tried alot.. read above posts
taking chemicals in my future maps: i absolutlty do lolz. my next map is like 98% escape/bts just because i've never made that b4.
turret breaking glass: well. i dont know what else i could do. i could make the other one breakble (but im not going to. i dont wanna update a release map lolz)

EDIT: how could it be a bad thing to prove you wrong in im a bad mapper ? :D

:D nice map liked it alot :D
only problem i had is that the lil machine gun units
weren't firing at me when i wanted to break the glass,
but after i reloaded my save it worked :D

Coookie wrote:
😀 nice map liked it alot :D
only problem i had is that the lil machine gun units
weren't firing at me when i wanted to break the glass,
but after i reloaded my save it worked :D

thx. o and by the way they are called turrets :P

yay made a small update .. try above link its GLaDOS in chamber 001 (chmicals chmber) saying "Please place the Aperture Science Super Cleansing Chemicals in the Aperture Science Hazardios Poison pit" lolz

Played it, thought it was a bit too easy. You practically don't have to do any smart portal placement, the only thing that was a bit difficult is dancing with gun/rocket turrets. And turrets can be annoying if you just have to be fast or whatever, it's much better if you can avoid them with portals. (Which is the entire point of the game after all.)

uXs wrote:
Played it, thought it was a bit too easy. You practically don't have to do any smart portal placement, the only thing that was a bit difficult is dancing with gun/rocket turrets. And turrets can be annoying if you just have to be fast or whatever, it's much better if you can avoid them with portals. (Which is the entire point of the game after all.)

actually i never noticed you had to walk right into the door at the end of the turret level (normal you should put dead turrets thru to kill them) but i always do it like that and never seen that i caged the turrets that ur supposed to kill the ending turrets with.

This map was fairly easy, but greatly enjoyable, and the

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, but then i had to start moving so i could avoid being shot.

Oh and also, i'm not sure if there were meant to be

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Nicely done, very enjoyable. As a general aesthetic suggestion, I'd add a bit more room to move around in future maps - the rooms felt a little cramped. I came upon one minor glitch -

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Some suggestions:

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first of all. thank you.
second are you sure you didnt stand on the button do the last door opened?
and the cake room is just an easter egg that you can see o i won the map so i got a cake followed by credits.
i will try to make more room in future maps (ill do my best which isnt very good XD)

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