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[RELEASE] An Irrational Chamber

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Bonus points if you know why it's irrational.

Walkthrough here: ... annel_page

Farragar wrote:
Bonus points if you know why it's irrational.

There are no two other portal maps that you can divide to get this map?

"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster
Farragar wrote:
Bonus points if you know why it's irrational.

# orange portals divided by # of blue portals (minimum needed to do the map. ie not including the one u used to knock down camera...) = 1/7 which is irrational?

Short map, but I had a time playing it. A bit hard

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But I liked it.


Good map, found it easy. Just a matter of figuring out each step. The long lasting orb made thinking easier. Took me about 15 minutes to finish. Good map overall, 4/5!

Chamber 74: Speed Run, Least Portals
Affinity: Least Portals
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