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PTI element: Dice signages (1?4 dots)

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Don't worry, we all make mistakes sometimes.

You should be able to edit the download yourself and choose the correct category. Follow your download link, then select "edit" in the top-right corner of the page. Then change the category and press "submit" at the bottom. (You don't need to re-upload the file.)

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Hey Bisqwit;

We know that there are some strange things in the forums; thanks for pointing this out.
If you browse to the download database you should be able to upload it in the appropriate section. We know how confusing the form can be and we tried and try to come up with something that works better but it's hard to get it working in a better fashion due to the complexity of the system.

If you upload from a category the correct section should already be picked for you.

As for what HMW said; I'm quite sure that's impossible unless you're a moderator or admin on this website. Just sent the Global moderators A private message and we'll move it for you :)

Kind regards,

HMW wrote:
You should be able to edit the download yourself and choose the correct category. Follow your download link, then select "edit" in the top-right corner of the page. Then change the category and press "submit" at the bottom. (You don't need to re-upload the file.)

I agree on the word "should"....
But when I click "edit", the category selection box does not appear on the form.

Thanks Lpfreaky90!

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