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Portal is the Game of the Year at GDC

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rellikpd wrote:
heheheh I'm a knob

perhaps. i just had something really shitty happen... and. after reading your post. i started laughing... sometimes being childish can make things better :P so anyway. even though you didn't mean to, thanks for cheering me up ;)

do NOT click this

I have a friend who points out stupid things like that when you say them, it really pisses me off. Fortunatly for me everything over the internet can be interpreted free of 'tone of voice'
(It had a :P after it but I forgot to put it)

back on topic: portal rock!

Honestly though youme, when you spell it "dudy" you deserve whatever comments you get.

msleeper wrote:
You mean agree with Yahtzee since youme basically quoted his review of the Orange Box.

Yeah, and every other reviewer of every other middle act of a trilogy since like Shakespears time. lol

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