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Portal Effect from Teaser Trailer

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I thought we already had this discussion? I still go with current portal design anyways, it is easier to spot from a difference with the particle effects.

Admiral Buttercrust will destroy you with his buttery goodness.

I'm not trying to start a discussion. I just made a request for Modders to try and make those portal effects in a mod for Portal on the PC! Is it that hard to explain?

Yes, yes it is.

Admiral Buttercrust will destroy you with his buttery goodness.

To you maybe, others probably understand already.

i understand it, i even tried to recreate the effect a while ago...

and failed miserebly :(

The following statement is false
The preceding statement is true
Which Portal Effect do you like better?

yep real hard to explain... if you ask me what i like... i'm gunna tell you. that is a discusion.

do NOT click this

in game, it's cleaner

the cake is a lie
the cake is a pie there anybody who will make these effects for the PC?

I LIKE the effects from the trailer, but the ones in-game are less visually distracting.

I don't lag, I own so much it takes a few seconds for the server to figure out what the hell I just did.


Closest recreation possible with the new portal display system.

You can't make any real textures for it because it works by taking a noise mask, duplicating it twice, and panning it in a random direction.

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