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Portal 2 Criticism

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TheTobbell wrote:
tile wrote:
Where did you lose your suspension of disbelief and say that can't possibly happen at any point?
portal 2's bts area style next to testing tracks. just TRY to tell me this looks realistically like the test chambers you're going through:

(Restarting Thread Me?)

I also tried figuring out, how can the testsubjects get to one chamber to the other, i mean, the Elevators, you NEVER see them outside from the Chambers, Also, in Brocken Testchambers, There are little tubes over and over, Walls, Dirt. I mean, the Testchambers are builded in Panels and Elements etc., And not of Stones and Bricks who you can see in Brocken chambers. I was everytime wondering how the Elevators are connected to every chamber.. (Maybe Glados/Wheatley are moving the chambers to the chamber wheres the player in so the elevator is connected .. I dont know)

(I hope you understand this Englisch xD)

They prestockpile them.

It's whatever Yahtzee says in his review. Keep in mind this was released a little while after Portal 2 hit store shelves so things like the DLC "Art Therapy" coop campaign and the workshop weren't available:


That and I wanted way more levels than what the single player offered. The workshop helps but I feel that was Valve's lazy way to create more levels. :P

My experience with coop ended up me preferring single player puzzles.

Click my Steam Profile image to view my Portal 2 Workshop!

Single Player Tests - Excellent Partnership (Coop) - Single Player BEE Mod Tests
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