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Portal 2 Criticism

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Those who are too dumb to live, unite! Moron powers! Form of: A turret! :turret:

ChickenMobile wrote:
Yenwood wrote:
Alexander Bell wrote:
Did the transitions between puzzles feel awkward? Where did it interrupt gameplay?
Going from the BTS Aperture to the underground

You didn't go from BTS the underground, you went from Clean to underground. :lol:

mmmm yes you did. GLaDOS chambers > TurretLine > Neurotoxin > GLaDOS chamber > Old Aperture.

I don't really consider GLaDOS' room to be a BTS room, but I guess you spend so little time in it it doesn't matter. :p

BEARD! wrote:
Logic wrote:
I didn't understand that you would jump automatically when you stepped on the blue gel, so I tried jumping just before that, to try and land on the blue gel. It didn't work at all and I missed the portal sooooo many times doing that. I got a bit frustrated once I found out the auto-jump feature since I felt like the game didn't explain that at all.

That's a good point! If you didn't play Tag: The Power of Paint before Portal 2, at that point in the game, the only experience of bounce paint you'd have is that you bounce when you fall onto it.

I didn't play TAG before Portal 2. I didn't even know what TAG was until I read the Final Hours of Portal 2. To me it was pretty dang obvious that it would bounce you when running into it at high speeds.

Whoa, necro.

Seeing as this thread is here again I'd just like to agree with RBC in that the first (and only [real]) conversion gel chamber gave it zero explanation. My first playthrough had me stuck there for about an hour, no joke. I ended up noclipping. I figured it out a day or two later.


I hated all the continuity errors. I understand that the first game was an experimental game, but Valve changed too many things. Black walls, lighting, elevators, bts styling, etc. The list goes on and on. And then they have a new companion cube design thrown in, but then at the end of the game the original cube is given to you. It just seems sloppy to me. Why did so much stuff change between the games? You can't blame it on nanobots and other constructs; otherwise the facility would have been in much better shape at the start of Portal 2. Excuse me for this little rant here, but I was distracted a lot because of this. Please Valve, at least tell us why everything is different.


Maybe you aren't even in the same testing track. Wheatley mentions "one of the old testing tracks" being behind the manual-override wall. The one you follow in Portal 2 was an experimental one still under construction during P1, with similar and slightly improved but not identical tests (such as Chamber 2).

Falsi sumus crusto!
FelixGriffin wrote:
Maybe you aren't even in the same testing track. Wheatley mentions "one of the old testing tracks" being behind the manual-override wall. The one you follow in Portal 2 was an experimental one still under construction during P1, with similar and slightly improved but not identical tests (such as Chamber 2).

Oh, that's clever. I wish I'd thought of that.

FelixGriffin wrote:
Maybe you aren't even in the same testing track.

I don't know if you guys have seen this, I think it's an amazing and really interesting video.
They say that they had more people to work on Portal 2, why not make it better? That's it. And I have absolutely no problem with it.
They also talk about why Glados is the way she is.

And I have to comment about the underground areas. I can't believe some people didn't like it. For me it was an absolute surprise and I loved it. Hands down my favorite part of the game.

- Science isn't about why, it's about why not!

here i go. sorry in advanced if this re-starts the thread.

What distracted you from the gameplay?
nothing here.

What forced you to stop playing the game for a while?
nothing here either, unless you count the on-holy amount of minecraft i played for a bit when i was tired of mapping.

Which puzzles made you stupid even after you figured it out and why?
i can't answer a lot of these lol

When you feel misled or betrayed by the game at any point?
definitely when glados' head got torn off. the first time i saw that, my first thought was "THIS is e10+ rated? this is creepy as crap! dang it gabe, if you wanted to do THIS why didn't you just hire tim burton or something!!!!" that was only my first reaction, though. im used to it now. :P

Where you feel bored at any point in the game?

What sequence(s) let you down after psyching you up?
big door little door. nuff' said. although, i actually found it as a kind of "LOLWUT." moument the first time.

Where you feel a lack of ingenuity and why?
the fact that they cut some of the colest stuff from the beta, the diversity vent being one example.

What did you feel Portal 2 missed?
the fact that it was a sequal to portal. on it's own, portal 2 is awsome, but as a sequal, it sucked. there was little to NO connection with the first game style wise, and the only hints that this was a sequal are mentions of the first game and vague resemblances with character re-designs.

If you could remove three features from Portal 2, what would they be?
dirty portal gun all the way through, glados' "im bored all the time, woo-peee...." attitude, and the modern chambers visible right after you land in old aperture. (or at least make them look as high up as they're supposed to be)

Where did you feel like there was too little reward?
solving any hard puzzle only to be rewarded with yet another stupid non-plot advancing joke.

Where did you feel like there was too much reward? (Dangling a carrot?)
glados' trap. you basically just portal across a huge gap, and in turn are rewarded with a massive plot-advancing sequence. i'd like to solve a big puzzle before i get that, y'know?

Where did you lose your suspension of disbelief and say that can't possibly happen at any point?
portal 2's bts area style next to testing tracks. just TRY to tell me this looks realistically like the test chambers you're going through:
Where did the storyline fall short?
again, it good for it's OWN story, but it made a horrible sequal.

Did the transitions between puzzles feel awkward? Where did it interrupt gameplay?
no, not to me.

Where did the game feel repetitive after a few times?
everywhere. i had memorized the whole game's puzzles by the end of my first run, so the only thing that didn't become repetitive immediately on my second play through was the dialogue, which i didn't really want to memorize anyways because it consisted mostly of lame jokes. seriously, how is glados calling chell fat funny at all? it's like "why did the chicken cross the road? to get to the other side, you idiot!" there's nothing clever there. it's just a blatantly insulting voice line from glados, there's nothing clever there at all, because chell isn't fat even in the most figurative sense! honestly, the diolague is probably the MOST disappointing part of portal 2, because the charactors are just so... shallow. the only thing to them is exactly what they are saying. glados is the evil computer, halfwheat is and idiot, cave is a megalomaniac, and the rest of the charactors arent supposed to have a personality to begin with anyways. i could go on and on and on about how stupid the dialogue is, but this post is almost big enough to be it's own thread by now, so i won't lol. :dealwithit:

Im blue, a Clean Christian Furry with Autism.
tile wrote:
Where did you lose your suspension of disbelief and say that can't possibly happen at any point?
portal 2's bts area style next to testing tracks. just TRY to tell me this looks realistically like the test chambers you're going through:

(Restarting Thread Me?)

I also tried figuring out, how can the testsubjects get to one chamber to the other, i mean, the Elevators, you NEVER see them outside from the Chambers, Also, in Brocken Testchambers, There are little tubes over and over, Walls, Dirt. I mean, the Testchambers are builded in Panels and Elements etc., And not of Stones and Bricks who you can see in Brocken chambers. I was everytime wondering how the Elevators are connected to every chamber.. (Maybe Glados/Wheatley are moving the chambers to the chamber wheres the player in so the elevator is connected .. I dont know)

(I hope you understand this Englisch xD)

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