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over 2 player coop mode

if it is illegal just delete it
i found it on youtube

Cool I guess. Looks like it would be boring.

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Wow, I like the fact that this is possible. Not to make puzzles, but to playtest coop puzzles.

I've been using the coop mode to playtest singleplayer maps to different friends. Thanks for sharing

Made Logic Portals in early 2008. Making diportals in 2011.
Author of Minecraft mods (MAtmos, Minaptics, NoteSlider) and Garry's Mod addons (Gunstrumental, SharpeYe, GarryWare, DepthHUD).

I dunno , I wouldn't mind seeing a co-op map that required all 4.. if that's possible.

the fact that it's possible is great... But without maps specifically designed for 4 players, i have to agree with sleeper. that it would be mad boring... hell have any of you replayed a section of MP maps for like the 3rd or 4th time with someone who's new to that section? That's boring enough, now imagine 2 extra assholes getting in your way?

But should someone (talented) devote some time to making 4 player MP maps, then i think it (could) be pretty bad ass

do NOT click this
rellikpd wrote:
the fact that it's possible is great... But without maps specifically designed for 4 players, i have to agree with sleeper. that it would be mad boring... hell have any of you replayed a section of MP maps for like the 3rd or 4th time with someone who's new to that section? That's boring enough, now imagine 2 extra assholes getting in your way?

But should someone (talented) devote some time to making 4 player MP maps, then i think it (could) be pretty bad ass

Using two pairs of portals is sufficiently badass to be mindscratching.

Now if we ignore the gameplay terms, in technicals terms, having 6+ portals open is just gonna strain the engine (clientside mostly), if not totally ignored. Remember for some reason, multicore limits (you hear me, it limits) the number of interveining portals as means to visualize what's behind a portal.

Made Logic Portals in early 2008. Making diportals in 2011.
Author of Minecraft mods (MAtmos, Minaptics, NoteSlider) and Garry's Mod addons (Gunstrumental, SharpeYe, GarryWare, DepthHUD).