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Help! I have a graphics problem.

So i just recently got the game. Im playing on the computer and i get to the part where we go into Glados's chamber. As the load screen goes away, everything turns white except for my portal gun.

Intel Pentium D CPU 2.80GHz
2.79z, 1.00 GB of RAM

Any help guys? BTW i have a Nvdia graphics card.

What is your exact video card? 1gb of RAM is pretty low, your entire system sounds pretty underpowered.

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NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS

Portal 2 was completely fine before i got to that stage

So your CPU is 6 years old and your video card is 5 years old, and you're wondering why a game released in 2011 is having problems running.

Solution: upgrade your system.

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msleeper wrote:
So your CPU is 6 years old and your video card is 5 years old, and you're wondering why a game released in 2011 is having problems running.

Solution: upgrade your system.

Hang on...

sniffsniffhooray wrote:
Portal 2 was completely fine before i got to that stage

Portal 2 was running fine? The rest of the game ran fine on your machine until you entered GLaDOS' chamber?

Also, since apparently this is Portal 2 I've moved it to the correct section. Or will have done so in a second.

Now with 100% more inline comments!

Yeah but, define "working"? Were you getting like 10fps with everything at minimum detail? That is a pretty resource intensive area, given the huge amount of animation and such going on, so I'm not surprised you might have a problem.

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I used to have a really old graphics card. It made Alien Swarm look like this. I would definitely suggest upgrading. It will only cost $100 to dramatically improve the graphics of all the video games you play.

Hello! This is the part where I kill you!