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Editing .MDL files?

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Oh, wait, I've forgotten to post the files, sry :/
I'l edit them Later in this post, when I'm back at home^^

Flo2912 wrote:
The model is shwown up as available File in the List, but its completly empty without any testure :(

If you properly edited the bottom part of the model file already, the remaining reason why your textures could be not showing is that you didn't edit their VMT files: you need to place them into the correct folder (the one you hexed the model to make it point to) and then change the parameter $basetexture with the new folder too.

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

OK, here are the Files^^

I'm sure it is something very obvious and I will feel stupid after you helped me, but I don't get it right now :(

I didn't check your files yet, but did you edit the VMT's like Josepezdj said? They direct the model to the right vtf when the model uses that VMT. If you don't Change it, it could cause problems like redirecting the model to the original vtf.

I think so, if I understand right how to do that. It isn't even rejected to the original.vtf it simply shows nothing^^

Flo2912 wrote:
OK, here are the Files^^

I'm sure it is something very obvious and I will feel stupid after you helped me, but I don't get it right now :(

Flo, these are your mistakes:

1. You changed the model name adding "_Flo", but if you look into the model file with the hex editor, you kept the original name "underground_paintdropper.MDL" and only changed the folder where it was... This makes that the model can't find itself :D

2. It isn't a good idea to change the names of the rest of the model files either, I mean the .vvd, .phy, .vtx.... Take into account that even that hexed model will search for the original name ones into the new custom folder (you can't know this because it's coded and you can't read it, but it is this way).

3. You edited the bottom part of the model file changing the name of one of the textures:

- from "underground_paintdropper_blue"

- to "underground_paintdropper_Lila"

BUT inside your material file "underground_paintdropper_Lila.VMT" this is what you have:

Code: Select all
$basetexture "models/pFlos_underground/underground_paintdropper_blue"
$bumpmap "models/pFlos_underground/underground_paintdropper_normal"
$normalmapalphaenvmapmask 1
$phong 1
$phongexponent 5
$envmaptint "[.3 .3 .3 ]"
$phongboost 2
$phongfresnelranges "[5 1 2]"

$envmap env_cubemap

>.< you are making it look for "underground_paintdropper_blue" inside your custom folder materials/models/pFlos_underground/... and there isn't any file called like that in there, see? you need to change it for

Code: Select all
$basetexture "models/pFlos_underground/underground_paintdropper_Lila"
$bumpmap "models/pFlos_underground/underground_paintdropper_normal"
$normalmapalphaenvmapmask 1
$phong 1
$phongexponent 5
$envmaptint "[.3 .3 .3 ]"
$phongboost 2
$phongfresnelranges "[5 1 2]"

$envmap env_cubemap

4. And finally, I'd suggest you to incude ALL of the textures that the model reads... maybe you can't see the model textured in hammer because its skin is for example set to the very first one, the skin 0, and that could be "underground_paintdropper.VMT", not "underground_paintdropper_blue.VMT", understand? ;)

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

Thank you, now it finaly worked :)

You can open an MDL file in MathWorks Simulink. If you do not have MathWorks Simulink, you can open an MDL file using any text editor, including: Notepad++ (Windows) TextEdit (Mac)

Open the mdl file in Skin Editor, and change the Path to model files to the location of the files relative to models/ . Re-save the model, and Skin Editor will automatically update the name. The model should now appear and work properly in the engine. Similarly, you can edit files here as well.
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