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Changing Gel Colours

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I've never attempted to replace an existing texture before so excuse me if this is a really stupid question.

So I need to change the colour of the white portal-surface-painting gel. I believe that the original texture being used is a 4x4pixel texture, paintblobs/blob_surface_portal. So I created a pure black 4x4 vtf file and placed it in the 'commonportal 2portal2materialspaintblobs' where I had to create the paintblobs folder. I then loaded the game but the paint is still white both when it falls and when it lands on the ground.

Any help on this matter would be appreciated.

Note, I did NOT also place a vmt file in there. I am assuming it will use the one in the VPK, wherever the hell it is located.

Does your texture have the same name and is placed in the same folder as the one you're trying to replace? Did you reload the materials or restarted the game?

Yeah it's exactly the same and since the initial post the VMT file was taken from the VPK and pasted into the override folder with the new texture. It did not solve the problem. I've restarted the game 3 times with the ingame standard levels and recompiled my own map a few times.

Edit: Note, the paintblobs folder is the one under materials, not the paintblobs under material>particle

Try to pack your new gel textures in a custom VPK ( ... rtal_2_Map) and put it to your addons folder. Maybe this will overwrite the original VPKs.

VPKs are higher ranked in Portal. If you have a map in a custom VPK and as single BSP in your maps folder, it will always use the VPK file.

Ok, that's a good point. Trying this now.

Update: Included the VTF and the VMT for the blob_surface_portal but unfortunately it's still coming up white. :/

I believe to replace an ingame texture--at least for now--you have to actually edit pak01_dir.vpk. See this post for instructions.

Now with 100% more inline comments!

If your replacing an ingame texture in the _dir.vpk, would it not be permanent, and through all maps?

gompasta wrote:
If your replacing an ingame texture in the _dir.vpk, would it not be permanent, and through all maps?

Yes, that's the drawback. I'm not sure how to replace textures on a map-by-map basis.

Now with 100% more inline comments!

I just need it for a demonstration I'm planning to develop. I can revert it afterwards.

I deleted the old vpk I created and made a new one, this time with a map in it to see if the modification would work on that map alone. Unfortunately it did not.

I'm a bit weary of editing the standard .vpk's. I remember reading somewhere it was a VAC bannable offence. Obviously this is for innocent, singleplayer use but I don't know if that's still taken into consideration.

Enraged wrote:
I'm a bit weary of editing the standard .vpk's. I remember reading somewhere it was a VAC bannable offence. Obviously this is for innocent, singleplayer use but I don't know if that's still taken into consideration.

I believe it would only be bannable, in multiplayer, if it is network manupulation or cheats. I would have thought it would be fine to do so, within singleplayer.

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