Hey everyone, just wanted to give you all a heads up.

We will be moving to a new forum in the next couple of days. This has honestly been a long time coming, and frankly I’m surprised I haven’t done it sooner. I am going to be doing my best to preserve all of the posts and other content here at TWP in moving it over.

That said, everyone needs to expect to have some things getting lost.

  • User pruning. I am going to clean out the closet of old users and/or users who never fully registered in the first place. If you have 0 posts, or you haven’t logged in in over a calender year, you might want to think about stopping by or else you might get deleted.
  • Post attachments won’t transfer over I don’t think. If you have anything important in an attachment, go to the forums and download it now and re-upload it when we move.
  • The Download Database is going to be a tricky situation, I still am not sure how I am going to handle that. Rest assured that we’re not going to lose all of our uploaded content.
  • The TWP Wiki. Keep it or leave it? Post and decide.

Like all good things in life, the change over is going to come suddenly and without warning or remorse. Don’t get deleted, login and post right now!