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VALVe reveals cut fifth "Epsilon" gel!

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According to a new interview with VALVe programmers:

Portal 2 was originally going to feature five main gels: Repulsion, Propulsion, Adhesion, Conversion, and a fifth as-yet-unnamed type. After activating Pump Station Delta and Adhesion Gel, an extra underground testing track would have contained Pump Station Epsilon and 'Gel Epsilon.' "Aperture originally created this Gel E as a healthy sandwich spread, which would also provide energy...[snip]

Apparently there's a post length limit, full interview here:

Falsi sumus crusto!

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LOL, a Rick Astley music video lyric is the full interview? :lol:

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Nicely done :)
Alas, your evil plan was exposed prematurely by my tinyurl previewer.

Sendificate series: Sendificate | A Beam Too Far | Airtime | 302
Other Portal 2 maps: Medusa Glare
Portal 1 maps: Try Anything Twice | Manic Mechanic

Weren't there a real 5th gel? The one that lets you walk on walls?

Never use Logic to solve a puzzle, he's an idiot...
Logic wrote:
Weren't there a real 5th gel? The one that lets you walk on walls?

No, that one's already been mentioned, the 'adhesion' gel :wink:

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I thought it was real until I realized that it was the first of April. :lol:

josepezdj wrote:
Logic wrote:
Weren't there a real 5th gel? The one that lets you walk on walls?

No, that one's already been mentioned, the 'adhesion' gel :wink:

Yeah, but this gel would make it six? Wouldn't it?

Not that it matters though xD

Never use Logic to solve a puzzle, he's an idiot...
Logic wrote:
Yeah, but this gel would make it six? Wouldn't it?

Hmmm, no? It's our 3 (conversion, propulsion and repulsion), the adhesion one ("sticky" gel), and this fifth "epsilon" gel :D

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josepezdj wrote:
Hmmm, no? It's our 3 (conversion, propulsion and repulsion), the adhesion one ("sticky" gel), and this fifth "epsilon" gel :D

Yeah, you're right. I'm an idiot and my math sucks...

Never use Logic to solve a puzzle, he's an idiot...
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