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[Utility Release] Portal raw level signage.

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This file is a photoshop PSD containing all the raw elements used in the large level signs at the beginning of each portal level. I rebuilt the level signs by using the various textures available in portal (sign backgrounds and overlays) because I've been largely unable to get the sign models decompiled to build my own. Instead I use this PSD to create the various stages of animation that the sign goes through, compile the images in to a multi stage VTF, then use an env_texturetoggle to do the animation.

Just thought I'd upload this since other people would probably find it useful.


Happy mapping.

If that allows me to do what I hope it allows me to do.....

WOOT. thanks :D

Do you use a specific font for the numbers?

For the large numbers I used Tall Skinny Condensed, I wasn't able to figure out what the font on the actual signs is, but this was such a close match that it's not very noticeable. Since most people won't have this font I made rasterized layers for the large numbers, you can show or hide the layers to get it to display whatever combination you want.

For the small numbers above the progress bars I used Microsoft San Serif since this was almost a perfect match.

Any chance of someone doing a tutorial on how to do this? I'm uh... not quite sure what I'm doing...
Syon wrote:
I rebuilt the level signs by using the various textures available in portal (sign backgrounds and overlays) because I've been largely unable to get the sign models decompiled to build my own.

The texture containing all the pictures is in the ALPHA CHANNEL of this texture:

Made Logic Portals in early 2008. Making diportals in 2011.
Author of Minecraft mods (MAtmos, Minaptics, NoteSlider) and Garry's Mod addons (Gunstrumental, SharpeYe, GarryWare, DepthHUD).
Hurricaaane wrote:
The texture containing all the pictures is in the ALPHA CHANNEL of this texture:

Ah very good, I hadn't noticed this before. I'll convert the PSD to use these at some point when I have time.

I'll also try to get a tutorial put together sometime this week of how to build the signs.


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Updated with the correct font for the large sign numbers and a tutorial has also been added.

Syon wrote:
Updated with the correct font for the large sign numbers and a tutorial has also been added.

just curious. what font was that?

what are all the fonts?


The cake is a PI


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I don't know the name of the font for the large numbers. The set of numbers is stored in a texture file, I just copied them out of the texture. I'm fairly sure the font for the small numbers is Microsoft San Serif. It's such a close match that the difference isn't noticable.

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