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[RELEASE] Remmiz Test Chamber 3

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umm ok ill do it again and take a pic tommoraw . this omputer cant run portal.. since my video driver got broken it cant run anything actually.. im so bored

I know what he's talking about

The part where you need to jump to a button, place the cube there, 2 plates come out of the walls, you fling up, place a portal up there around the ball launcher, drop the cube there, jump back down, place 2 portals in the main hall, and ur stuck! :D

Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.
Bulska wrote:
I know what he's talking about

The part where you need to jump to a button, place the cube there, 2 plates come out of the walls, you fling up, place a portal up there around the ball launcher, drop the cube there, jump back down, place 2 portals in the main hall, and ur stuck! :D

yay now i dont have to upload pics :D so you should fix this somehow :s tho if you jump at the right moment while running into the portal you get enough speed to jump all the way up back to the cube :P but this about 20 trys for me everytime i want to do it :P

Updated to Beta 2. Fixed problems and added a commentary version. Please test it out and let me know if you find any problems.

found a bug in the commentary map

when i load a quicksave, it goes back to the main menu and gives this in the console:

Code: Select all
Loading game from SAVEquick.sav...
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/RemmizChambers/remmizchamber3_c.bsp'
Map 'RemmizChambers/remmizchamber3_c' missing or invalid
Save file SAVEquick.sav is not valid
The following statement is false
The preceding statement is true


I liked the design, it had so much portal-feel which I like the most :wink:
I noticed that not all doors have their indicator strips, so I was sometimes confused how to open which door... but maybe it's just me.

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I was also unable to get some flings done right, but I am sure that it is just me, I am not good at flings :idea:

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.

Another good map Remmiz. I had some of the same problems as mentioned earlier such as getting stuck in the fling room on the moving wall but I'm not sure if that's a design flaw on your part or an engine glitch. Also

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Keep up the good work map! I look forward to chamber 4.

Doomsday192 wrote:
Those walls look kinda flat...

Just kidding :P

Looks awesome, downloading

I gotta say they do look pretty flat, and most of the levels are a bit Dull Looking, but fun nevertheless.

Currently working on Darksiders 3.
MrTwoVideoCards wrote:
I gotta say they do look pretty flat


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