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[RELEASE] Extra Cubes & Buttons

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A.M.M.D. wrote:
nice cubes i want see it in a map^^

I WOULD use it, if he would upload the dang things again.

Anyone else downloaded it here, that can put it up?

I know this thread is old, but I'd be interested in the update skins too if anyone is aware of their ware-abouts.

(Or maybe I just missed them)

How about a cube that just stays wherever you put it... well i know that sounds boring but i mean like, if you hold it in the air and then let go, it'll just stay there in the air. If you put it above a pit of acid, walk away to get a soda, when you come back it'll still be floating above the acid exactly as it was left. This has been used in maps before, but i believe it has always been due to an "anti-gravity" area of the map, and it would be a normal cube. Try to make one vice-versa, an Anti-Gravity cube in a normal map.

That sounds like it'd be useful but you'd have to be careful where you put it in the map. Or players could use them as platforms.

If anyone is interested I was going to try and make prefabs for these cubes. I only have the old skins however.

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