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Pretty well, but I won't have much time to work on it until finals are over now.

Falsi sumus crusto!
andyp99x wrote:
No biters on mine, is it that bad?

I played through your map and made a vid of what I found:


My (spoiler-free) thoughts:

First Room
Looks nice - I like the symmetry of it and it's a good size. Provided, of course, that I solved it in the intended way, I thought it was a good mechanic to work with but it was a little too unforgiving; I only included the successful attempt on the vid, but it took me about ten tries each run-through. I took the liberty of quickly bashing together a map as an example of how I'd work with that mechanic:

Connecting Room
As shown in the vid - you don't really need to finish the puzzle here, and if you fail you have to either do what I did (which is easier) or redo the first part, which I would not be happy about due to its difficulty.

Final Room
I think I have an idea what you were going for here, but it's so easily skipped that I couldn't quite work out what was intended. Definitely looks interesting enough that I'd want to play a reworked version.

Overall, this map shows promise, but you need to playtest the shit out of it before releasing.

My maps: Double Bill / Jam / Oval Window / Gymnasium / Gymnasium Part 2 / Minimalism (collection) / Resolution
All feedback welcome!

Ah nice job of exposing it, I'll have to re-work it so that my ideas are the only correct way of doing it, left too many white walls it seems - that's me overcompensating for a bad habit (I usually leave 95% of the map black and it looks crap)

Cheers dude, you'll have a proper version of it by tonight

Edit: Try now here

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My workshop here.
Next map title: The Crystal Maze

Amazing what good feedback can do. And El Farmerino even providing a design template... :notworthy:
The map is so much better now. I too had trouble on the previous version with the fizzlers. First try was successful and then I had brain lag or something and failed at least ten times in a row. Now you can quickly recover from any mistake, well solved. :thumbup:

The last room feels out of place in my opinion. Its size, the gel splatting across the room, the crudeness, it's in contrast to the confined but elegant look of the previous part. I think I know what you want the player to do, but it suited me better to ignore the funnel and to just use the light bridge with some gel.

Kind of what I intended -

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, disappointing that you made it look a bit simpler :( lol

My workshop here.
Next map title: The Crystal Maze
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