question about map loading with console commands
Quote from Condor-2-4-2 on May 3, 2019, 10:06 amHello,
my question is about loading a workshop map with the console commands. If I want to play a workshop map and steam is in offline mode, there is no chance to load it via the in-game browser.
In the steam forums I read about the possibility to load a specific level with the console commands "map" or "changelevel". One should put the downloaded workshop level "NAME.bsp" from the folder portal2mapsworkshop to portal2maps and then execute it with one of these commands, e.g. map NAME.
But when I load a map with this methode, the video sequences at the beginning and voice acting are missing.
As an example, I loaded the map "Original Portal: Test Chamber 01" from Fat Ninja Walrus.
When I execute the map I get the following console messages:
- Code: Select all
] map 1336584979
CGameUIConVarRef mp_gamemode doesn't point to an existing ConVar
maxplayers set to 1
---- Host_NewGame ----
Network: IP, mode SP, dedicated No, ports 0 SV / 0 CL
Opened Steam Socket NS_SERVER ( socket 3496 )
Opened Steam Socket NS_CLIENT ( socket 3736 )
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Host_NewGame on map 1336584979
exec: couldn't exec skill1.cfg
==== calling mapspawn.nut
Unable to load sprite material materials/sprites/gunsmoke.vmt!
Unable to load sprite material materials/sprites/bubble.vmt!
Attempted to create unknown entity type playtest_manager!
Can't init playtest_manager
Couldn't find any entities named doorentry0-player_start_teleport, which point_template @player_start_template is specifying.
PrecacheScriptSound 'music.1336584979_tbout' failed, no such sound script entry
Script not found (scripts/vscripts/bee_version.nut)
prop_weighted_cube at (576.000, 320.000, 936.000) has no model name!
prop_monster_box at (320.000, 64.000, 282.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (320.000, 64.000, 284.000) has no model name!
prop_monster_box at (576.000, 64.000, 282.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (576.000, 64.000, 284.000) has no model name!
prop_monster_box at (448.000, 64.000, 282.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (448.000, 64.000, 284.000) has no model name!
prop_portal_linked_door '@upgrade_room_exit' failed to link to partner named: ''
Commentary: Could not find commentary data file 'maps/1336584979_commentary.txt'.
1.000: Sending UDP connect to public IP
Server using '<none>' lobbies, requiring pw no, lobby id 0
RememberIPAddressForLobby: lobby 0 from address loopback
Can't find factory for entity: wearable_item
NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther
[PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] --------START loading assets--------[PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ---------END loading assets---------
==== calling mapspawn.nut
* some features might be disabled *
* (achievements, stats, UI, etc.) *
=======================Trying to GivePlayerPortalgun
=======================Trying to UpgradePlayerPortalgun
*** ERROR: logic_relay @is_one_portal_test has been triggered but is awaiting refire. OUTPUTS WILL NOT BE FIRED!!!
*** ERROR: logic_relay @is_one_portal_test has been triggered but is awaiting refire. OUTPUTS WILL NOT BE FIRED!!!
*** ERROR: logic_relay InstanceAuto3-global_ents-environment_testchamber has been triggered but is awaiting refire. OUTPUTS WILL NOT BE FIRED!!!
*************************************************************************************************Updating sound cache [8732 entries]
Found 8729 sound files on disk
Updated 0 out of 8729 cached files [287.543 msec]
prop_weighted_cube at (320.000, 64.000, 284.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (576.000, 64.000, 284.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (448.000, 64.000, 284.000) has no model name!
Connection to Steam servers successful.
Redownloading all lightmaps
Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (r_shadowlod)
VAC secure mode is activated.
prop_weighted_cube at (576.000, 320.000, 936.000) has no model name!There are many error messages in this output and I think there is something missing to load the map correctly.
Here are some pictures of this map started once from browser and next from console: anyone help me in this case?
Thank you in advance!
my question is about loading a workshop map with the console commands. If I want to play a workshop map and steam is in offline mode, there is no chance to load it via the in-game browser.
In the steam forums I read about the possibility to load a specific level with the console commands "map" or "changelevel". One should put the downloaded workshop level "NAME.bsp" from the folder portal2mapsworkshop to portal2maps and then execute it with one of these commands, e.g. map NAME.
But when I load a map with this methode, the video sequences at the beginning and voice acting are missing.
As an example, I loaded the map "Original Portal: Test Chamber 01" from Fat Ninja Walrus.
When I execute the map I get the following console messages:
- Code: Select all
] map 1336584979
CGameUIConVarRef mp_gamemode doesn't point to an existing ConVar
maxplayers set to 1
---- Host_NewGame ----
Network: IP, mode SP, dedicated No, ports 0 SV / 0 CL
Opened Steam Socket NS_SERVER ( socket 3496 )
Opened Steam Socket NS_CLIENT ( socket 3736 )
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Host_NewGame on map 1336584979
exec: couldn't exec skill1.cfg
==== calling mapspawn.nut
Unable to load sprite material materials/sprites/gunsmoke.vmt!
Unable to load sprite material materials/sprites/bubble.vmt!
Attempted to create unknown entity type playtest_manager!
Can't init playtest_manager
Couldn't find any entities named doorentry0-player_start_teleport, which point_template @player_start_template is specifying.
PrecacheScriptSound 'music.1336584979_tbout' failed, no such sound script entry
Script not found (scripts/vscripts/bee_version.nut)
prop_weighted_cube at (576.000, 320.000, 936.000) has no model name!
prop_monster_box at (320.000, 64.000, 282.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (320.000, 64.000, 284.000) has no model name!
prop_monster_box at (576.000, 64.000, 282.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (576.000, 64.000, 284.000) has no model name!
prop_monster_box at (448.000, 64.000, 282.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (448.000, 64.000, 284.000) has no model name!
prop_portal_linked_door '@upgrade_room_exit' failed to link to partner named: ''
Commentary: Could not find commentary data file 'maps/1336584979_commentary.txt'.
1.000: Sending UDP connect to public IP
Server using '<none>' lobbies, requiring pw no, lobby id 0
RememberIPAddressForLobby: lobby 0 from address loopback
Can't find factory for entity: wearable_item
NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther
[PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] --------START loading assets--------[PORTAL2 PUZZLEMAKER] ---------END loading assets---------
==== calling mapspawn.nut
* some features might be disabled *
* (achievements, stats, UI, etc.) *
=======================Trying to GivePlayerPortalgun
=======================Trying to UpgradePlayerPortalgun
*** ERROR: logic_relay @is_one_portal_test has been triggered but is awaiting refire. OUTPUTS WILL NOT BE FIRED!!!
*** ERROR: logic_relay @is_one_portal_test has been triggered but is awaiting refire. OUTPUTS WILL NOT BE FIRED!!!
*** ERROR: logic_relay InstanceAuto3-global_ents-environment_testchamber has been triggered but is awaiting refire. OUTPUTS WILL NOT BE FIRED!!!
*************************************************************************************************Updating sound cache [8732 entries]
Found 8729 sound files on disk
Updated 0 out of 8729 cached files [287.543 msec]
prop_weighted_cube at (320.000, 64.000, 284.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (576.000, 64.000, 284.000) has no model name!
prop_weighted_cube at (448.000, 64.000, 284.000) has no model name!
Connection to Steam servers successful.
Redownloading all lightmaps
Parent cvar in client.dll not allowed (r_shadowlod)
VAC secure mode is activated.
prop_weighted_cube at (576.000, 320.000, 936.000) has no model name!
There are many error messages in this output and I think there is something missing to load the map correctly.
Here are some pictures of this map started once from browser and next from console:
Can anyone help me in this case?
Thank you in advance!

Quote from ChickenMobile on May 7, 2019, 2:51 amThe advice in the steam forums you found seems about right.
Playing on the workshop vs the `map` command has different effects because of certain scripts/game code being executed before play. The starter video, voices lines and test chamber monitor are all generated when you play the map from the workshop (they are not influenced by the map maker in any way). Finishing the level won't bring up the voting dialog.
I don't see any way round this, sorry.
The advice in the steam forums you found seems about right.
Playing on the workshop vs the `map` command has different effects because of certain scripts/game code being executed before play. The starter video, voices lines and test chamber monitor are all generated when you play the map from the workshop (they are not influenced by the map maker in any way). Finishing the level won't bring up the voting dialog.
I don't see any way round this, sorry.