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[PTI] [SP]Single Portal Series

A map series created using PuzzleMaker and bee mod.

These chambers are all supposed to be solved only with a single-portal portalgun. I made this because there aren't much of these maps on the workshop, and since my puzzles are a bit "aha" moment and not really that hard, I think people will like it ;)

Just because these puzzles are simple, does not mean the map is not: not only the nice lighthing, I also made a hell of a effort making extreme logic gates to prevent any bugs or unintended solutions, but if you find anything please let me know!

You can see screenshoots at each map page (Download links to collection).

So far I released 2 maps, but there are more to come :D

Click here to download [SP]Single Portal Series

Nice series of increasing difficulty and using a number of Portal effects...gel, funnel etc...the last chamber of #4 was very confusing, no idea what to do with the cubes and where they were going. Could retrieve them next to the chamber but didn't know what to do next.. Maybe some dots or something as guidance would be frustrated and quit...thanks for mapping and creating the series - obviously took some time...