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Portal 2 gets STUCK on this "thumbs up/thumbs down" menu.

Hello everyone!

This is my first message in your community and I'm desperate to find an answer. After a long wait of finally getting my hands on Portal 2 for MAC OSX, I started playing today.

Unfortunately, at very random moments and for some unknow reason, I get a menu popping up with 5 choices.
This is a screenshot of it:

None of the options work when selected (unresponsive) and I cannot get rid of that menu unless I quit the game altogether (no keys seem to be assigned to enable/disable it, it doesn't work if I reload a previous game or even if I just exit to the main menu).

It's getting quite frustrating. Would anyone know what to do about it?

This is a ping menu. I'm not sure why or how people have it though. I have one, but it functions like a regular ping and goes away when I release the button. Are you sure this isn't a random button you're hitting by mistake?

Big Mood

its bound to f by default, just type "unbind f" into the console.

Alexander Bell wrote:
its bound to f by default, just type "unbind f" into the console.

Wrong ping. Mine is f4, could be different for anyone else. You're thinking of coop pings.

Big Mood

Oh. then you should probably go to the keyboard/mouse options -> edit keys -> scroll down until you see playtest feedback menu, and unbind that key. if its like f4 or something then bind it to something else and then unbind that.