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Portal 2 Criticism

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Hello guys!

I would love to know what you disliked about Portal 2. I want to hear anything and everything you thought the game executed poorly. It could be something overall or some minor detail, just throw it all in the response. Anything from mechanic, story, atmosphere, loading time, ugliness, lack of cohesion, level design, to combat.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to get you started:

What distracted you from the gameplay?
What forced you to stop playing the game for a while?
Which puzzles made you stupid even after you figured it out and why?
When you feel misled or betrayed by the game at any point?
Where you feel bored at any point in the game?
What sequence(s) let you down after psyching you up?
Where you feel a lack of ingenuity and why?
What did you feel Portal 2 missed?
If you could remove three features from Portal 2, what would they be?
Where did you feel like there was too little reward?
Where did you feel like there was too much reward? (Dangling a carrot?)
Where did you lose your suspension of disbelief and say that can't possibly happen at any point?
Where did the storyline fall short?
Did the transitions between puzzles feel awkward? Where did it interrupt gameplay?
Where did the game feel repetitive after a few times?

Don't limit yourself, and feel free to ask your own questions with regards to the failures of Portal 2.

Thanks everyone.

I can truthfully say that there is nothing wrong with portal 2.

Big Mood

The one and only complain I have about Portal 2 is the loading screens. Especially when you escape from GLaDOS with the help of Wheatly and in the final where Wheatly tries to kill you. It's not that annoying to have loading screens between puzzles, but they don't really fit in well in the action sequences.

Portal 2 is one of the best games I've played and I can't come up with any other criticism for it. I might leave something out here, but I was laughing all the way through the campaign the first time playing through and I haven't experienced anything quite like it.


I just thought of another thing. The first time I played through the campaign I got stuck in the chamber below. I didn't understand that you would jump automatically when you stepped on the blue gel, so I tried jumping just before that, to try and land on the blue gel. It didn't work at all and I missed the portal sooooo many times doing that. I got a bit frustrated once I found out the auto-jump feature since I felt like the game didn't explain that at all.


Never use Logic to solve a puzzle, he's an idiot...

My only criticism: It's too damn good.

My Hammer Maps
[Released] Power Interference
[Released] Rust and Dust (Spotlight Map!)
[Released] Multiportal
Logic wrote:

I just thought of another thing. The first time I played through the campaign I got stuck in the chamber below. I didn't understand that you would jump automatically when you stepped on the blue gel, so I tried jumping just before that, to try and land on the blue gel. It didn't work at all and I missed the portal sooooo many times doing that. I got a bit frustrated once I found out the auto-jump feature since I felt like the game didn't explain that at all.


Wow... would you believe that chamber is one of my favourites of the old aperture theme ones? I loved that map and I've played it a thousand times, Logic, seriously!

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:
Logic wrote:
I didn't understand that you would jump automatically when you stepped on the blue gel, so I tried jumping just before that, to try and land on the blue gel. It didn't work at all and I missed the portal sooooo many times doing that. I got a bit frustrated once I found out the auto-jump feature since I felt like the game didn't explain that at all.

That's a good point! If you didn't play Tag: The Power of Paint before Portal 2, at that point in the game, the only experience of bounce paint you'd have is that you bounce when you fall onto it.

At the end of Portal 2 I felt rather uneasy because all the puzzles were to easy for my taste. I didn't got stuck anywhere and nowhere was a point where my head started to smoke. I expect of a phantastic puzzle game that at night when you go to bed, you suddenly become aware of the solution you could not have found out some hours before. The gameplay tended to be more a smooth floating through the many levels, than really hard puzzles.

However, that's my personal POV and if VALVE would have executed that, they would have gone broke.

The Aperture Alpha
A map pack coming soon. - click for more information
Brainstone wrote:
At the end of Portal 2 I felt rather uneasy because all the puzzles were to easy for my taste. I didn't got stuck anywhere and nowhere was a point where my head started to smoke. I expect of a phantastic puzzle game that at night when you go to bed, you suddenly become aware of the solution you could not have found out some hours before. The gameplay tended to be more a smooth floating through the many levels, than really hard puzzles.

However, that's my personal POV and if VALVE would have executed that, they would have gone broke.

I agree, I wish there had been something like Portal 1's Challenge Maps. They would have been fairly easy to create: remove the cube which let you do the old solution, say, or make a box dropper broken so that you only get one pivot cube.

Technically, I also dislike that you can't specify your own models for hard light bridges or excursion funnels, but that's a fairly minor issue.

Falsi sumus crusto!

(Amazing resurrection of a forgotten thread btw! Has anyone noticed the OP arranged this topic in January? :D... well, all replies have been posted these days...)

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

I can only help but wonder why the OP wants to know our criticisms. Just saying.

But personally, I missed the advanced chambers and the achievements that went with the challenges in Portal 1.

EDIT: Jose ninja'd me so now I feel like an idiot for posting...

Current Community Contributor status: not a community contributor. Lost it. :(
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