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Peti mods ?

are there any Peti mods ? except the BEE mod ? that's adds elemients and stuff ?


A few. I made some, but the new update broke them.

Falsi sumus crusto!

There's this great PeTI mod called Use Hammer if you want more elements :P

My Hammer Maps
[Released] Power Interference
[Released] Rust and Dust (Spotlight Map!)
[Released] Multiportal

oh I love Use Hammer

Also, I made a map just for you! Sunset
Click Here to view my Workshop and play my puzzlemaker maps

Yeah, I always use that one.

Falsi sumus crusto!

There's a big one I'm making, but it will take a while to finish now that I have to add co-op support to it. Mine lets you change the style to 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, Portal1, Overgrown, Behind The Scenes, or Clean.
It only adds two new items though: Paint Fizzler, and Reflection Gel.

There's also one by HMW. It will still work with the update, since he makes you add the code to the end of your editoritems.txt manually. It adds warm square lights, portal magnets, checkpoints, and logic gates.

Carl wrote:
There's a big one I'm making, but it will take a while to finish now that I have to add co-op support to it. Mine lets you change the style to 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, Portal1, Overgrown, Behind The Scenes, or Clean.
It only adds two new items though: Paint Fizzler, and Reflection Gel.

There's also one by HMW. It will still work with the update, since he makes you add the code to the end of your editoritems.txt manually. It adds warm square lights, portal magnets, checkpoints, and logic gates.



Hey, no need to yell. :)

Mine is wandering around somewhere in the PTI hacking thread as an attachment. I haven't made a proper download for it yet since I was unsure whether future updates to the editoritems.txt format would break it. It seems to be pretty stable nowadays, so I'll do that soon.

Sendificate series: Sendificate | A Beam Too Far | Airtime | 302
Other Portal 2 maps: Medusa Glare
Portal 1 maps: Try Anything Twice | Manic Mechanic
UsCobra11 wrote:
There's this great PeTI mod called Use Hammer if you want more elements :P

I also make puzzles with Use Hammer. It's amazing.

Shift: Trichotomy - Beginnings ? Prelude ? Denouement