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Particle editor, Commentary node adder and material editor!

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Well it wasn't really suposed to be a guide, more of "this is what I know already"

To make something fade out use "alpha fade and decay" (operator)

E1025, the functions are mostly self explanitory how are you confused?

ok thanks, now i can make the antigravity effect for omeg--i mean.... for nothing!

yeah thats it, making it for nothing! :D

The following statement is false
The preceding statement is true

Because altering gravity in a video game is so new and exciting...

My mother always told me: "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"

do NOT click this
rellikpd wrote:
My mother always told me: "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"

My mother always tells me "Wake the fuck up, Kyle! You're gonna miss the bus!"

Duffedwaffe wrote:
My mother always tells me "Wake the fuck up, Kyle! You're gonna miss the bus!"


The following statement is false
The preceding statement is true
rellikpd wrote:
My mother always told me: "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"

And that is why the world is full of shitty maps.

Remmiz wrote:
And that is why the world is full of shitty maps.


Anyway... back on topic, anyone else made anything with this? I've been using it to make an explosion for my pl_hoodoo map

ill take a pic of my antrigravity effect for nothing in a bit

edit: here


The following statement is false
The preceding statement is true

hmm deja vu.....

youme wrote:
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