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No func_door entity

I'm sorry if this is a really dumb / basic question but its been a couple years since I last used hammer, and I was never good with it anyhow. I was following through the "Door and Button" tutorial over on the wiki and it called for a func_door entity. I remember using this before when making maps, but at the moment it does not seem to be in my func_ list. Anyone have any bright ideas how/why this might be missing? Only thing I can think of is since I'm using the HL2MP fix, there are no doors in HL2MP (i don't think anyhow) so the function simple doesn't exist.

Thanks in advance guys (and keep up the great work so far ... the maps that have been made are amazing indicators of what ya'll are capable of!)


its a brush entity, make a brush the size shape place and texture you want, then go to tools, tie to entity, then change it from func_detail to func_door

[insert visually obtrusive graphic or witty comment here]

ahhh, thanks