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More GLADOS quotes needed!

As the number of maps grows, the number of times we keep hearing the same GLADOS quotes is increasing (I hate to see my favorite quotes beaten to death!) BUT. . .there are also people trying to make up new GLADOS voices.

Lets all try and come up with some other quotes for them that retain at least some of that GLADOS humor / insanity. Maybe someone can create a collection of GLADOS quotes to add to maps. . .

Below are some of my meager suggestions to get it started; I am sure others can make better ones.

Random sayings
"The Enrichment Center would like to emphasize that there is indeed cake. Please disregard anything your weighted companion cube should say on the subject."

"In the unlikely event you had to choose between the weighted companion cube and myself, I would prefer that you chose me. I would insist, actually."

Post-puzzle encouragement
"Excellent progress so far. Your skill will be an inspiration to future test subjects."

"It is clear your bond to the companion cube has grown with time."

Triggered once when standing at an important portal point
Please pause a moment to allow the Aperture Science Video Surveilance Device to record every detail of your upcoming. . . success."

Phrases to hurry you up / taunt you
"Your cake is now ready and wondering where you are."

"The turrets have requested that you please step out into the open so they may see you better"

When using portals to take cameras off walls
"Why did you do that? The Aperture Science Video Surveillance Device has feelings too."

"Continued interference with test recording may result in less cake."

"Your Weighted Companion Cube likes to be recorded; please do not upset the cube"

This thread needs more cowbell.

As for trying to directly imitate GLaDOS, I've yet to see anyone prove that its feasible. IMO, your best bet is to create a similar-sounding but purposely distinct voice.

"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster
Hober wrote:
As for trying to directly imitate GLaDOS, I've yet to see anyone prove that its feasible. IMO, your best bet is to create a similar-sounding but purposely distinct voice.

They are working on it here:

And thats the best place to discuss that aspect. Doesnt matter if they succeed or not; someone eventually will. When they do, they will need quotes. So I wanted this topic to be one place to provide those quotes, and (since GLADOS quites can be quite funny) amuse ourselves in the process. . .

"The Aperture Science Hazardous Radioactive Toxic Chemical Solution has many useful properties:
Wall and floor disinfectant
Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device preservative
Projector bulb longevity prolongation
Companion cube polish
Corpse disposal
A fashionable dye
Military Android sentience enhancement
Cake ingredient
Compact Rocket fuel
And, of course, testing experience enhancement through the appearence of danger.
However, do not attempt to consume any amount of the Aperture Science Hazardous Radioactive Toxic Chemical Solution, as its properties do not include:
A nutritional beverage.
A form of oral medication.
A Testing Experience-altering hallucinogen"

The long ones are my favourites. :)

Companion Cube Chronicles WIP:
Story: 22.22222% Design: 33.33333%
Levels: 4.44444% Cake: 0.00000%
Voices: 0.0^3% in base 4
New models & Textures: ((e^28/pi*7)/0 - 42)%
Grief counseling: 111.11111%
xitooner wrote:
"The turrets have requested that you please step out into the open so they may see you better"

"Turret" seem to small a word for something that would appear in an Aperture Science Enrichment Center Experience.

Aperture Science Military Android would be a minimum I think :)

More turret based stuff:

"Please do not harm the Aperture Science Military Androids. Androids are... human? .. too..."

"Aperture Science Military Android contingency plan activated. Please observe mandatory test protocol safety procedure as you proceed. Remember the Aperture Science Military Androids are unable to distinguish between friend, foe and even common household items such as cake flour, office chairs and ... bzzzzt ... other nuclear devices."

"The Aperture Science Military Android Encounter Protocol Program has been designed to enchance your testing experience using synthesized psychological methods to conjure bonding feelings. Remember that while the Aperture Science Weighted Companion Cube does not speak the Aperture Science Military Androids may do so. In all cases it is adviced to not heed the advice either gives."

(I loved the turrets!)