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Mapping Contest Judgement

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Horray! Duffers has returned!

hanging_rope wrote:
Horray! Duffers has returned!

So he is like, the missing judge?
Well, this is good news. Hopefully we can hear some updates soon ^^

Motanum's Website
Portal Maps - Motanum's Cheating Test [3 map pack and 2nd place winner]
Portal 2 Maps - Slanted Bridge | Main Four | Juggling | Wall Bridge
Aperture Tag - Collection ModDB

Like my work? Spare a coin? Donate via PayPal at eugenio.motanum91 [AT]
Duffers wrote:
Done procrastinating, Portal is opened, I have my alcohol, let's do this.

Really sorry for the idiotic wait.

Good. This contest has been the community spotlight for, what, 4 months now? probably more.

Seeing the Logic?

Did you know that American English isn't even my first language? It's actually [spoiler]British English[/spoiler]
Released maps of note:
[spoiler]Versatile Diversity

me thinks that contest results always has been planned to parallel the release of Portal 2.

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